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Occupational Safety and Health

Professional Safety and Health Officer

For professionals with 5 years’ or more of experience in the occupational safety and heatlh industry.

About the Professional Safety and Health Officer Program

The Professional Safety and Health Officer certificate will help existing safety professionals achieve their career goals. This program enables students to apply new leadership and training skills which will encourage a safe environment in their workplace.

Certificate Benefits

With a Professional Safety and Health Officer certificate students will acquire the skills needed for experienced safety professionals to be hired and promoted.

  • OSHA 10- and 30-hour Outreach Trainer authorization
  • How to create a safety culture in the workplace that includes leadership commitment, organization-wide safety communication and safety training as an investment for the organization
  • The knowledge, skills and tools needed to conduct accident and incident investigations
  • Leadership and communication skills including constructive intervention, fostering two-way dialogue, setting and maintaining expectations and alignment of values around safety
  • How to minimize the threat of illnesses by learning industrial hygiene practices and related OSHA regulations and procedures

Target Audience

The curriculum is directed at existing safety professionals with at least five (5) years’ experience in the field – a minimum requirement to complete the OSHA Outreach Trainer courses. Professionals with the desire to excel in mid-level management and leadership positions in safety with the need for skills used to implement safety standards in their workplace are highly encouraged to apply.

Demand and Job Prospects

Certificate graduates may qualify for positions such as:

  • Safety Consultant
  • Environmental, Health, and Safety EHS Leader
  • Plant Safety Leader
  • Safety Manager
  • Senior Safety Technician

Students may choose any of the specializations (Construction, General Industry or Cal/OSHA). They may also choose to complete multiple tracks, by fulfilling all of the required units within each area of specialization.

In-Person, Live Online
9-12 Months
Students have five years to complete the certificate from the date of the first class taken.
*Excludes the $95 certificate fee. Approximate cost is for one track/specialization.

Required for Completion

  1. One Prerequisite Course (OSHA 510 or OSHA 511)
  2. One Trainer Course (OSHA 500 or OSHA 501)
    • IMPORTANT: Applicants who are current authorized outreach trainers may satisfy these first two requirements with the OSHA 502 or OSHA 503 trainer update courses. They must be a UC San Diego authorized outreach trainer in order to complete the certificate program.
  3. All Other Required Courses
  4. One Specialty track (Construction, General Industry or Cal/OSHA), which equals a minimum of 8 units.
    • NOTE: If an applicant chooses to complete more than one Specialty track, they must request an Award Letter of Completion to "Dual" or "Triple" certificates are not awarded, but rather one certificate that designates the completion of the PSHO.


Applicants may substitute up to two (2) OTI Education Center courses from another OTI Education Center for the PSHO program. Only OTIEC courses will be allowed for this substitution and may only be used for one Specialty track.

Professional Safety and Health Officer

Classroom type:
Live Online
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Prerequisite Courses

Students must choose either the OSHA 510 or OSHA 511 - not both. Contact for advising.

Required Trainer Courses

Students must choose either the OSHA 500 or OSHA 501 - not both.

Other Required Courses

Students must complete all of the following courses.


Must complete a minimum of 8 units.

General Industry

Must complete a minimum of 8 units.


Must complete a minimum of 8 units.

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