Serving the Community
Partnering with the community to ensure both excellence and equity.
UC San Diego Extended Studies believes great social and economic prosperity comes from integrating the collective knowledge of the university, community leaders, and professionals.
Our Initiatives

Global Connect
Global CONNECT™ is a dynamic collection of international organizations working together to develop high technology and life-science linkages.

Diamond Neighborhood Projects
The Center of Research & Evaluation (CR+E) works with the Jacob’s Center for Neighborhood Innovation on a variety of projects providing data to empower organizations to make positive changes in their community.

Making a Mark in Downtown
Park & Market is UC San Diego's Newest Innovative Cultural and Education Hub in downtown San Diego. This new center connects a wide range of campus programs and initiatives to the downtown community.
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Five Facts About Faulkner
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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Lactation Consultant
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UCSD Extension Becomes UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies
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How to Take Better Photographs in 2023: Understanding the Four Elements of Good Photography
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How to Become a Substance Abuse Counselor
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