Academic Information
UC San Diego is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies is accredited by WSCUC through the university. All courses and certificate programs offered by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies have been developed and are administered in accordance with Extension policy, the regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California and WSCUC standards.
Admission to the University of California San Diego
Participating in a UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies educational program does not in itself provide preference in admission to any University of California degree program. If you are interested in applying to these programs, you should refer to the UC San Diego Admissions website or to the admissions office of the UC campus you wish to attend for details about the admissions process.
Transferring UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Credit
Many UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies courses can be transferred to UC San Diego or other colleges or universities. The transfer of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution. You should discuss how your individual courses will transfer with the registrar's office at the receiving institution before you enroll.
Credit Hours
UC San Diego operates on the quarter system; therefore all course credits are awarded in quarter units. The credit value of each course in quarter units is listed in the course description.
Courses are assigned a number of credit hours based on the amount of work required as represented in the course’s learning outcomes and student achievements. For each credit hour you are enrolled in, you should expect one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class work each week over a 10-week quarter; the equivalent amount of instruction and work over a different amount of time; or at least an equivalent amount of work for other academic activities such as research, internships, practica or other academic work leading to the award of academic credit hours.
Quarter/Semester Unit Equivalency
If you are taking courses at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies to transfer to an institution operating on a semester system, your credits will be converted to semester hours during the receiving institution’s evaluation. As a general rule, quarter credits are converted to semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5. For example, if you completed a course worth four quarter credits at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, the course would be worth 2.66 semester credits.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a uniform measure of non-credit postsecondary-level study. Employers, licensing agencies and others who require a specific number of hours of instruction for career placement or advancement generally accept this unit of measure. You earn one CEU for every 10 contact hours in a continuing education course.
Course Numbers
Undergraduate Level Courses (1-199):
Courses numbered 1-199 are undergraduate-level courses. These courses may be offered by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies with an X before the course number or by the appropriate UC San Diego department as part of the Concurrent Enrollment Program.
- Courses numbered 1-99 are lower-division undergraduate-level courses.
- Courses numbered 100-199 are upper-division undergraduate-level courses.
Graduate Level Courses (200-299)
Courses numbered 200-299 are graduate-level courses. These courses may be offered by the appropriate UC San Diego department as part of the Concurrent Enrollment Program.
Professional Level Education Courses (300-399/30000-39999)
Courses numbered 300-399 or 30000-39999 are credit-bearing professional courses in the field of education, specifically designed for teachers and prospective teachers seeking credentials, authorizations or other types of certification in the state of California through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Major emphasis is on pedagogy, teaching methods and materials, and curriculum design. Credit in these courses is designed for professional upgrading, in-service education requirements and basic and specialized credentials in the state of California. It may also lead to the award of a formal certificate by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. Credit may be applied toward an academic degree, preliminary teacher credentialing program in California or requirements for licensure in other states, subject to the approval of the receiving institution(s).
Post-Baccalaureate Professional Courses (400-499/40000-49999)
Courses numbered 400-499 or 40000-49999 are credit-bearing post-baccalaureate, professional-level courses designed to provide opportunities for professional advancement and enable the general public to gain knowledge in various academic fields. Credit earned in these courses may lead to the award of a formal certificate by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies or be applied toward an academic degree or professional credential, subject to the approval of the receiving institution(s).
Non-Credit Bearing Courses (800-999/80000-99999)
Courses numbered 800-899 or 80000-89999 are non-credit-bearing Continuing Education Units (CEUs) designed for students seeking hours of instruction for career placement or advancement (see CEU definition), or the opportunity to develop cultural, intellectual and civic interests.
Courses numbered 900-999 or 90000-99999 are non-credit-bearing, pre-college-level courses designed to provide an opportunity for students to explore academic interests or prepare for college admission. Courses may be transferable for secondary school credit at the discretion of the receiving institution. Students should discuss the transferability of individual courses with the registrar of their secondary school prior to enrolling.
Log in to My Extension to review and print your grades.
Grading scale
Grade | Meaning | Grade Points per Credit Hour |
A+ A A- |
Excellent | 4.0 4.0 3.7 |
B+ B B- |
Good | 3.3 3.0 2.7 |
C+ C C- |
Fair | 2.3 2.0 1.7 |
D | Poor | 1.0 |
F | Fail | 0.0 |
I | Incomplete | |
P | Passing (C- or better) | |
NP | Not Passing (below C-) | |
NR | No Record | |
NFC | Not for Credit | |
Blank | The grade has not been reported |
- Courses numbered 800-999/80000-99999 are not included in the GPA calculation and are not counted toward earned credit hours.
- This grading scale may not reflect all grades assigned for Concurrent Enrollment courses. For individual grade definitions, please refer to the appropriate UC San Diego department or school.
Grading options
At UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, you have the option to choose how you want your course(s) graded. Not all grading options are available for all courses. If you don’t choose a grading option, the default grading option will be assigned.
- Letter Grade: A grade between A+ and F reflects your performance in the course and is included in your grade point average (GPA) calculation. A passing grade counts toward your earned credit hours or the required number of units for your certificate.
- Pass/No Pass: A grade of P or NP reflects whether you have passed the course, but does not otherwise indicate your performance. These grades are not included in your GPA calculation; however a P (passing) grade counts toward your earned credit hours or the required number of units for your certificate.
- Not for Credit: A grade of “NFC” reflects that you were enrolled in the course but does not indicate your performance. This grade appears on your transcript, but is not included in your GPA calculation and is not counted toward your earned credit hours or the required number of units for your certificate.
You will have the opportunity to select your grading option when you enroll in your course.
For most courses, you may change your grading option at any time before the final class meeting (by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the published end date for online courses) or before final grades are posted, whichever comes first. Concurrent enrollment courses are held to UC San Diego’s deadlines, which can be found here.
You can change your grading option online in four easy steps:
- Log in to My Extension.
- Navigate to "My Courses" and select the course you would like to change.
- On the right side under "Tools," select "Change Grading Option."
- In the pop-up window that appears, click "Submit."
Or submit a written request:
- By fax: (858) 534-8527
- Or at either Student Services location
You will receive an emailed confirmation within one to two business days after your request is processed.
Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete, or "I," is a temporary grade that may be granted when sudden serious medical situations, compulsory military service or other extenuating circumstances beyond your control, such as family emergencies, prevent the on-time completion of course requirements. An Incomplete may not be used to allow more time to complete a course in which you have fallen behind.
An Incomplete also may not be used to retake a course. If you have fallen substantially behind and need to repeat a course, you should drop the course prior to the drop deadline and re-enroll for the next term in which the course is offered. Otherwise, your instructor will assign an appropriate final grade based on the work you complete in the course (D, F, NP or U, for example).
If you are given an Incomplete, you should not re-enroll in the course to make up the missing work. If you were to re-enroll, the course would be considered a repeat and would not remove the prior quarter’s Incomplete, which would lapse to a permanent F, NP or U grade.
Requirements for an Incomplete grade:
- You, the student, must submit a written Petition for an Incomplete Grade to your instructor before the final class meeting (by 11:59 p.m. on the day before the scheduled end date for online courses) or before final grades are posted, whichever comes first. Petitions submitted to the instructor after that time will not be considered.
- The coursework you have completed to date must be of passing quality.
- You must be able to show that an illness or other extenuating circumstance is preventing you from completing your required work on time.
- Your signed petition must be approved by your instructor, the program manager and the registrar and must include:
- The reason you were unable to complete the remaining coursework on time, including evidentiary documents when appropriate (e.g. doctor’s note)
- A detailed description of all remaining work required to complete the course.
- If your Incomplete grade is approved, all missing coursework must be completed within 90 days of the class end date. If a final grade is not assigned by the 10th business day after that date, your Incomplete grade will revert to the previously assigned grade, or lapse into a failing grade if no grade was assigned before the Incomplete grade was approved.
- Your grading option cannot be changed after an Incomplete is assigned.
- Your instructor cannot initiate or require you to request an Incomplete. Your instructor must submit a final grade, based on the work you have completed to that point, even if they expect you to request an Incomplete. If an Incomplete is approved, it will replace the grade previously assigned by your instructor.
- Your instructor may neither agree nor require that you wait until the next time the course is offered in order to make up incomplete work, but must make individual arrangements with you for the timely completion of your work.
Please keep in mind that it may take up to two business days after your Incomplete grade is approved for it to be reflected in your records.
Email unex-reg@ucsd.edu for more information and assistance. Please include your full name, student ID number and the course title and section ID number of the course you are inquiring about.
Grade reports
Your final grade reports will be available in My Extension within three weeks after the last day of class. For current blended, hybrid or online courses, you can access grades for individual assignments through Canvas or by contacting your instructor.
Email unex-grades@ucsd.edu for further assistance. Please include your full name, student ID number and the course title and section ID number of the course you are inquiring about.
Grade changes and appeals
Your grade is determined by your instructor and is considered final at that time. Your instructor may request a change to your final grade if there has been an error in calculation or transcription of the grade. No grade may be changed more than one calendar year from the time it was recorded.
Grade appeal procedure
If you believe that your grade was improperly assigned, or that you received a grade based on non-academic criteria, you have the right to question and appeal your final grade. Grounds for an appeal are limited to administrative error, work turned in to the instructor that was not included in the total score and/or improper grading procedures.
To file a grade appeal:
- Notify your instructor in writing, explaining the reasons you believe your grade is incorrect and what you think your grade should be. You must attempt to resolve your grievance with your instructor within the first thirty (30) days of the following regular academic quarter.
- If you cannot resolve the issue with your instructor, you must submit a written complaint to the appropriate program representative within ten (10) days of your instructor’s decision. Your complaint must explain why your instructor's decision was not satisfactory.
- If you cannot resolve the issue with the program representative and believe you have grounds for a second appeal based on the criteria below, you may submit a written grievance to be reviewed by the academic director. This grievance must be submitted in writing within ten (10) days of the program representative’s decision.
- The outcome of the grievances with the instructor and program representative is not supported by the findings.
- There was unfairness in the previous grievance proceedings which may have prejudiced the result.
- There is newly discovered important evidence not known by the student at the time of the grievance.
The decision of the academic director is final.
Course Repeat Policy
You may complete and earn credit for the same course through UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies as many times as you wish. When a course is repeated, both completions are counted toward your earned hours and grade point average. However, for most courses, only one completion can be counted toward your certificate requirements.
Grade Forgiveness
Occasionally students repeat courses to improve their cumulative Extension GPA. In such circumstances, you may petition to have an original grade “forgiven”. When a grade is forgiven, all courses and grades remain on your transcript, but the original grade (forgiven grade) is no longer calculated into your cumulative Extension GPA.
To request grade forgiveness, you must meet the following requirements and you must submit a Grade Forgiveness Request form after the final grade is posted for the repeated course. Your petition must include information about why you are making the request.
Requirements for Grade Forgiveness:
- Grade forgiveness will not be approved for courses in which you admitted to or were found responsible for violating the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Academic Integrity Policy or the UC San Diego Policy on Integrity of Scholarship. Your academic record (conduct/integrity) may be taken into consideration in determining whether an original course grade will be forgiven.
- You must have completed the course both times for a letter grade (other grading options do not qualify for grade forgiveness).
- You must earn a passing letter grade (C- or higher) when repeating the course.
- In the repeated course, you must earn:
- A grade that is at least one full letter grade higher than the original grade, OR
- A grade that is at least high enough to fulfill the GPA requirements outlined in the student’s petition (e.g. the GPA requirement for the program in which the student is seeking admission).
Note: Although the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies grade point average will not include these repeated courses, other institutions may recalculate the grade point average based on their admission or transfer policies.
Academic Catalogs
UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies offers the most-up-to-date education and training programs in a wide variety of topics from data analytics to clinical trials to digital marketing—and more. This Quarterly Course Catalog publication lists all the courses and programs UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies has to offer in the quarter.Know your rights!
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- La Jolla Location Mailing Address
UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0176-H
La Jolla, CA 92093-0176
- La Jolla Location Physical Address
8980 Villa La Jolla Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037
- University City Center Location Mailing Address
UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0172-S
La Jolla, CA 92093-0172
- University City Center Location Physical Address
6256 Greenwich Dr., Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92122