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Event Safety

About the Event Safety Program

The Event Safety Certificate Program is designed in conjunction with professionals and leaders in the event safety industry. This comprehensive safety training program is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved in organizing, attending, and participating in live events.

Target Audience

The target audience for this certificate is any individual who works in the live event and entertainment industry.

This includes (but is not limited to):

•    Event Planners and Managers: They coordinate and oversee all aspects of live events, from planning and logistics to execution.
•    Production Crew: This includes stagehands, lighting technicians, sound engineers, and other specialists who handle technical aspects of live events.
•    Performers: Musicians, actors, comedians, dancers, and other entertainers who take the stage during live events.
•    Event Promoters: They handle marketing, advertising, and ticket sales to ensure the event's success.
•    Venue Staff: From ushers and security personnel to catering and hospitality teams, venues employ various staff members to support live events.
•    Audiovisual (AV) Technicians: They set up and operate audio, video, and lighting equipment during events.
•    Event Designers: These professionals create the visual elements and overall ambiance of live events, including decor, stage design, and branding.
•    Ticketing and Box Office Staff: They manage ticket sales, distribution, and customer service before and during events.
•    Logistics and Operations Managers: Responsible for coordinating transportation, equipment rental, and other logistical aspects of live events.
•    Broadcast Crew: For events that are televised or streamed online, there are professionals such as camera operators, directors, and broadcast engineers.

Certificate Benefits

•    Courses designed and taught by event industry leaders, such as the Event Safety Alliance (ESA).
•    Education from a University of California institution.
•    Learn how to apply the basic skills of hazard identification, risk management and emergency response to a variety of live events.
•    Opportunities in current job or new career in the event industry.
•    Networking with other professionals.

What You Will Learn

•    Key terms in Event Safety.
•    Basic concepts of hierarchy of controls, risk management and live event safety management as described by the Event Safety Guide.
•    Typical threats associated with a given event scenario and be able to correctly recommend the proper mitigation and response techniques or technologies.
•    How to create an event safety management plan that will include multiple stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities.
•    Basic skills of hazard identification, risk management and emergency response to a variety of live events.
•    How to construct and conduct physical and procedural surveys.
•    Create a tiered emergency response and communication plan based on their analysis of a given live event scenario.
•    Identify common crowd behaviors as defined by US and international crowd management bodies.
•    Describe the types of crowds and the nature of crowd dynamics.
•    Create a basic crowd management plan that will include venue design consideration, a list of internal and external resources and a communication and response model for several different crowd safety scenarios.
•    Identify typical hazards and emergency resources necessary for their industry sector in live event production.
•    Different types of weather events and their potential impact on live events.
•    Identify and access several different weather management resources used by live event safety personnel.
•    Accurately analyze and describe the different categories of threats and risks associated with different types of live events.
•    Identify assets and resources needed for their emergency action plan and create a system for communication and activation of that plan.
•    Differentiate between laws, regulations, and standards.
•    Identify and apply key emergency response elements to different types of public events.

More to Know

Event Safety Alliance - United States
Event Safety Alliance - Canada
Event Safety Podcast
United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT)


Online, Live Online
*Courses can also be offered for contract training. Email
1 - 5 years
*Excludes the one-time $95 Certificate Fee. This fee will increase to $125 in May 2025.

Required for Completion

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to attend the Introduction to Event Safety course prior to attending the other required courses.

All REQUIRED COURSES must be completed, which is a total of 11 units. Additionally, all participants must complete TWO ELECTIVE COURSES, for a total of three (3) additional units.

Certificate Program Matrix

Course Name Course Number Units Cost Quarter Available
Introduction to Event Safety
FPM-40700 1.5 $495 Winter '25
Weather Safety for Live Events FPM-40712 1.5 $495 Winter '25
Event Safety Planning & Design FPM-40711 3 $795 Spring '25
Event Safety Management FPM-40710 3 $795 Summer '25
Event Incident Planning & Managment FPM-40709 2 $595 Summer '25
Production & Workforce Safety FPM-40708 1.5 $495 Spring '25
Crowd Safety, Planning & Management FPM-40707 1.5 $495 Fall '25
Temporary Event Structures FPM-40706 1.5 $495 Fall '25


Event Safety

Classroom type:
Live Online


Students must complete ALL of the following courses. Intro to Event Safety is a Required Prerequisite for Required Courses only.


Students are required to complete TWO elective courses below for certificate completion.

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