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Induction California Clear Credential

Clear Preliminary Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Credentials


The State of California mandates that all teachers must hold a valid California Teaching Credential, which authorizes them to provide classroom instruction. Credentials are offered on a preliminary basis. Each new teacher must complete the requirements based upon the preliminary to clear a teaching credential within a specified five year time period in order to remain a K-12 teacher within the California Public Education System. A university sponsored Induction Program is one method for preliminary credential holders to clear their teaching credentials.

UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies’ fully online Induction program is designed to provide a 2-year, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first years of teaching. This program reflects standards adopted by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to clear Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Induction Programs. Both Candidates and their chosen Site-Based Mentor take corresponding courses at the same time as outlined here. Candidates and Mentors are also required to meet for at least 1 hour per week throughout the duration of the Induction program.
Induction Candidate Overview Induction Mentor Overview
Required Courses: 6 (24 units) Required Courses: 6 (15 units)
Estimated Cost: $4,000 Estimated Cost: $0
Program Duration: ~2 years
(No summer quarter courses)
Program Duration: ~2 years
(No summer quarter courses)
Weekly Time Commitment: ~10 hours Weekly Time Commitment: ~3 hours
Delivery: Online, asynchronous attendance with weekly deadlines Delivery: Online, asynchronous attendance with weekly deadlines

UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Induction Program provides:
  • Planned Course of Study for Candidates and course guidance for Mentors.
  • CTC-approved Induction Candidate courses.
  • Free Mentor training and support courses that can earn university credit to be used for salary advancement.
  • Student advisement and clear credential recommendation for Candidates upon successful completion.

Induction Program Eligibility Requirements

  • Possess a preliminary Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and/or PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist credential.
  • Be employed as a teacher in a California K-12 public, private, or state-approved charter school teaching a consistent group of students each academic quarter.
  • Secure a willing and qualified Site-Based Mentor. Please note UC San Diego DES does not provide Site-based Mentors. Candidates are responsible for finding their own willing and qualified Mentor to support them in the program. 
Site-Based Mentors:
  • Possess a valid clear Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and/or PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist credential in the same (or similar) subject/discipline as the Candidate. Exceptions may be made case-by-case, dependent on circumstances.
  • 3+ years of documented professional teaching experience at a California K-12 public, private, or state-approved charter school.
  • Hold a full-time teaching or administrative position at the Candidate’s school or district.
  • Demonstrate practical understanding of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs).
  • Agree to the expectations and time commitment for the Induction Site-Based Mentor.
UPDATE: Now accepting applications to be considered for the Fall 2025 quarter with courses starting in September and October 2025. Admission is rolling and cohorts may reach capacity before the deadline. Candidates and Mentors apply below under "Online Candidate and Mentor Applications".  

Induction Program Applications & Information

UPDATE: Now accepting applications to be considered for the Fall 2025 quarter with courses starting in September and October 2025. Admission is rolling and cohorts may reach capacity before the deadline. Candidates and Mentors apply below under "Online Candidate and Mentor Applications". 

Both potential Candidates and their selected Site-Based Mentor must create MyExtension accounts (as a “New Student") and submit their own online applications to be considered for the UC San Diego DES Teacher Induction program. Each completed application is reviewed in the order received. A Candidate’s application to the program is not considered complete for review until UC San Diego DES has received their online application with proper documentation uploaded, required transcripts, and their selected Site-Based Mentor has submitted their Mentor application. 

Induction Candidates and their Mentor must be approved prior to formal admission or beginning coursework in the program.

Candidates interested in the Early Completion Option, must first submit the general Induction Program application (along with their Site-Based Mentor) and be accepted, before applying to complete an accelerated one-year induction program. Learn more about the Early Completion Option requirements and the additional application here.
Induction Candidates Induction Mentors
Admission: Rolling (no summer quarter start) Admission: Rolling (no summer quarter start)
Application Fee: $0 Application Fee: $0
Documentation and Information Needed to Apply: California Teaching Credential(s), Verification of Employment, Official Transcript(s), GPA Personal Statement (If Applicable), Site-Based Mentor Information and Statement, and Exception Personal Statement (if applicable) Documentation and Information Needed to Apply: Candidate Information, California Teaching Credential(s), Resume, and Exception Personal Statement (if applicable)

Induction Candidate Application APPLY NOW

Induction Mentor Application APPLY NOW

After Applying
Both completed Candidate and Mentor applications will be reviewed by Credential Analysts. Candidate applicants will be notified of acceptance into the Induction Program upon receipt and approval of a completed application—including the Candidate online application, required documents and transcripts, and their Mentor’s completed online Site-Based Mentor application. Admission is rolling with new cohorts starting each academic quarter based on demand (except Summer)—however admission to the program does not guarantee a certain start date. Applicants can check the status of their application through their MyExtension account. 

Once an Induction Candidate and their Mentor are admitted into the program, detailed information to confirm the admission to the program will be emailed, including a Planned Course of Study. Candidates and their Site-Based Mentor are approved into the program simultaneously and each must follow steps detailed in the acceptance emails to secure their spots in the Induction program.
Education Code Section 44468 (E) allows individuals who have been accepted into the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Induction program to complete an accelerated 1-year induction program, instead of a traditional 2-year program.

The intent of the standard is to serve experienced and exceptional Candidates after they are accepted into the general UC San Diego DES Induction program. Interested Candidates must meet all general eligibility requirements as well as demonstrate prior teaching experience as the teacher of record and that they have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies required through a more extensive additional application. If at any time over the course of the Induction program, the Candidate does not fulfill program requirements, the ECO status will be suspended. These decisions will be made at the discretion of the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. ​

Formal acceptance into the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Induction program is required first. Early Completion Option (ECO) applications are due by the end of a Candidate's Induction Individualized Learning Plan course. Prior to applying, interested Candidates should review the ECO Requirements and Application Guidelines and the Early Completion Option Application Rubric that will be used to evaluate applications.

Early Completion Option
Induction Candidates
Early Completion Option
Induction Mentors
Additional Application: Due by end of Induction Individualized Learning Plan course Additional Application: None
Number of courses required: 3 (12 units) Number of courses required: 3 (7.5 units)
Estimated Cost: $2,000 Estimated Cost: $0
Program Duration: ~1 Year Program Duration: ~1 Year
Weekly Time Commitment: ~10 hours Weekly Time Commitment: ~3 hours
Delivery: Online, asynchronous attendance with weekly deadlines Delivery: Online, asynchronous attendance with weekly deadlines
To receive a Clear Single Subject, Multiple Subject, Education Specialist, and/or PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist credential, Candidates are required to:
  • Complete and submit an online Candidate Application.
  • Secure a willing and qualified Site-Based Mentor. 
  • Finalize admission to the program.
  • Enroll and pass all required courses.
    • Coursework must be completed within 5 years of beginning the program.
    • A 'No Pass' grade in an Induction course will require retaking of the course and Mentor retaking the corresponding course.
    • A ‘No Pass’ in any course will not count toward program requirements for recommendation purposes.
  • Support Mentor with enrolling in the corresponding Mentor training and support courses. 
  • Meet with Mentor for individualized support at least 1 hour per week.
  • Submit verification of successful completion of any additional requirements indicated on Planned Course of Study, if applicable.
    • Only items marked with an “X” on a Planned Course of Study are required. 
  • Submit a Request to Recommend to UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies and complete final steps as outlined by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Site-Based Mentors 
To support a Candidate’s successful Clear credential, Site-Based Mentors are required to:
  • Complete and submit an online Site-Based Mentor Application.
  • Finalize admission to the program.
  • Enroll and participate in all required corresponding Mentor training and support courses. 
    • Mentors can take their courses as Not for Credit, Pass/No Pass, or Letter Grade. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade are required to earn university credit for salary advancement. 
  • Meet with Candidate for individualized support at least 1 hour per week.
  • Collaborate with Candidate and UC San Diego DES to help Candidate successfully complete the Induction program by accessing school and district resources, observing instructor practice, and participating in evaluations and documentation of Candidate’s progress.
Classroom type:
Live Online


You can check your credentials and renewals needed through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing at Teachers can log in to their CTC Online account or do a Public Search for an educator. With the Preliminary Teaching Credential selected, under Renewal Requirements it will list what is needed. If your Preliminary credential has the R14I or PRO renewal code then you must complete an Induction program to earn the Clear credential. The phrasing may vary, but mention of a recommendation or completing a “Commission-approved Induction program” indicates you qualify for the UC San Diego DES Induction Program. A preliminary teaching credential and employment as an instructor in a California K-12 school are required for admission.

If your credential expires before you are able to complete your requirements, it is possible to appeal for an extension of time by submitting a 41-4 form, application processing fee, and supporting documentation, including additional forms depending on the length of the extension to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. UC San Diego DES can provide a CL-885 form to verify enrollment  for Candidates in the Induction program if needed. Please note, appeals for extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis.
While UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies does not offer a program to earn your Preliminary Single or Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, we do offer courses approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to fulfill the requirements of many Preliminary Teaching Credentials. It is strongly advised that you verify the required coursework with the institution you plan to earn your Preliminary Single or Multiple Subject Credential. You may be required to submit a copy of the syllabus with your UC San Diego transcript for credentialing purposes.

You can find the offered courses above, under Courses – Preliminary Teaching Credential Prerequisites. View the Division of Extended Studies Calendar to see when the next quarter courses will be available to enroll.
The Site-Based Mentor, or Mentor for short, is the primary source of support for the Induction Program Candidate at their school or district site. They meet with their Candidate on a regular basis, complete observations and evaluations, and take their own Mentor training and support courses to help the Candidate successfully complete the Induction program. The required Mentor training and support courses are free and available to be taken for university credit if they choose. Mentors should expect about to spend about 3 hours per week supporting their Candidate while courses are running. 

Candidates select their Mentor based on specific criteria and availability.  UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Program does not provide Mentors. Minimum requirements for Site-Based Mentors include: possessing a valid clear multiple-, single-subject, or education specialist teaching credential in the same (or similar) discipline as the Candidate; at least three years of documented teaching experience at a California school; holding a full-time teaching or administrative position at the Candidate’s school or district; and demonstrating practical understanding of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs).

Mentors apply to the program at the same time as their Candidate through a separate application found here. A Candidate’s application to the program is not considered complete for review until their selected Mentor has submitted their Mentor application.
Both Candidates and their Site-Based Mentor take six corresponding courses at the same time for approximately two years. The courses are taken one per quarter, excluding summer. 

Candidates and their Mentors enroll into their specific respective course sections with the same start and end dates. All UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies Induction Program and Preliminary Teaching Credential Prerequisite courses are all offered online with asynchronous attendance, however there are weekly assignments that must be completed by specific deadlines throughout the course to earn a passing grade. It is highly recommended Candidates and Mentors log into their respective courses on the first day of class and frequently throughout the course. Candidates also meet with their Mentors at least one hour per week during the program either in-person or virtually. To align with the majority of K-12 school years, there are no Induction courses offered in the Summer quarter. 
If you have completed year one of an Induction program through another institution or a previous employer, you are welcome to complete your second required year with UC San Diego DES. We will need a transportability document sent directly from your previous program to confirming you completed year one and the date. In your Candidate application please indicate you are seeking to fulfill your second year in the Exceptions section. Once admitted to the program you will complete our year one courses: Induction Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), Induction Inquiry I, and Induction Year 1 Reflection, and any other additional requirements. Your first year from another institution plus our first year courses adds up to two years that meets the CCTC requirements for Induction to be recommended
Both completed Candidate and Mentor applications will be reviewed by Credential Analysts. Candidate applicants will be notified of acceptance into the Induction Program upon receipt and approval of a completed application—including the Candidate online application, required documents and transcripts, and their Mentor’s completed online Site-Based Mentor application. Admission is rolling with new cohorts starting each academic quarter (except Summer)—however admission to the program does not guarantee a certain start date. Applicants can check the status of their application through their MyExtension account. 

Once an Induction Candidate and their Mentor are admitted into the program, detailed information to confirm the admission to the program will be emailed, including a Planned Course of Study. Candidates and their Site-Based Mentor are approved into the program simultaneously and each must follow steps detailed in the acceptance emails to secure their spots in the Induction program.
Only Candidates who have finalized their admission to the program and completed the entire Induction program are eligible for formal recommendation from UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. Candidates should review their Planned Course of Study for any additional requirements. Details on the recommendation process are covered in the Culminating Induction ILP Portfolio course.
Upon completion of the Induction program and final grades posted, Candidates follow the steps listed in the Request to Recommend Guidelines. The Request to Recommend form and guidelines contain all of the information and documentation necessary to obtain a formal recommendation by UC San Diego DES to clear a California credential. The recommendation is not finished until the final step is completed by the Candidate. 
Note the Commission will only send the Recommendation notification to the email address they have on file. Candidates should update their email with the Commission prior to submitting the Request to Recommend form. UC San Diego DES can no longer do so on Candidates’ behalf.

Additional Information & Resources

Preliminary Single & Multiple Subject Credentials

While UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies does not offer a program to earn your Preliminary Single or Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, we do offer courses approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to fulfill the requirements of many Preliminary Teaching Credentials. It is strongly advised that you verify the required coursework with the institution you plan to earn your Preliminary Single or Multiple Subject Credential. You may be required to submit a copy of the syllabus with your UC San Diego transcript for credentialing purposes.

You can find the offered courses above, under Courses – Preliminary Teaching Credential Prerequisites. View the Division of Extended Studies Calendar to see when the next quarter courses will be available to enroll.

Formal Recommendation to CCTC

Only Candidates who have finalized their admission to the program and completed the entire Induction program are eligible for formal recommendation from UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. Candidates should review their Planned Course of Study for any additional requirements. Details on the recommendation process are covered in the Culminating Induction ILP Portfolio course.
Upon completion of the program and final grades posted, Candidates follow the steps listed in the Request to Recommend Guidelines. The Request to Recommend form and guidelines contain all of the information and documentation necessary to obtain a formal recommendation by UC San Diego DES to clear a California credential. The recommendation is not finished until the final step is completed by the Candidate. 
Note the Commission will only send the Recommendation notification to the email address they have on file. Candidates should update their email with the Commission prior to submitting the Request to Recommend form. UC San Diego DES can no longer do so on Candidates’ behalf.

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Education Department

(858) 534-9286
