Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English)
Professional Certificate
About the Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English) Program
The Professional Certificate in Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English) is designed for bilingual adults who may or may not already be working in the field of translation and interpretation. Our reputable and rigorous program offers high-level instruction and professional training from active professionals to set you apart from the competition and certify to potential employers that you possess the bilingual proficiency, cultural understanding, theoretical knowledge, and skill set they need. Graduates of our program go on to own and operate their own translation and interpretation service companies, freelance, work for private companies or work within the public sector.
Looking specifically for translation?
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What You Will Learn
- Sight Translation, and Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation.
- Choose to take elective courses in Medical, Legal, and Business translation and interpretation for further career advancement opportunities.
- How to market yourself by engaging in an elective Strategic Marketing & Branding course for those seeking to create their own business, or work for private and/or public sector position.
Conditions for Admission
Total fluency in both English and Spanish, including the ability to speak, read, and write at a second year university level, is required. Fluency is determined by a written online entrance exam. Select courses may be taken prior to passing the entrance exam.
Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English)
Information Session
Find out more about the program in a free information session.
Required Courses
All 21 units are required.
General Electives
A minimum of 9 elective units is required. Choose courses from any of the elective categories.
Business Electives
A minimum of 9 elective units is required. Choose courses from any of the elective categories.
Legal Electives
A minimum of 9 elective units is required. Choose courses from any of the elective categories.
Medical Electives
A minimum of 9 elective units is required. Choose courses from any of the elective categories.
Optional Additional Classes
Please note: These courses do not apply to the certificate
This Program Is Designed For:
- Bilingual language speakers who desire to have a Professional Translation & Interpretation Certification.
- Professionals seeking career advancement by becoming certified in translation and interpretation.
- Medical, legal or business professionals seeking to enrich their ability to communicate with non-Native speakers.
Certificate Guidelines
Tailor the curriculum to suit your professional needs. Areas of specialization in translation or interpretation, or professional industry (medical, legal, and business) are available.
The Professional Certificate in Translation and Interpretation (Spanish/English) is issued upon completion of the entrance exam and the total number of required credit units (30 quarter units). The approximate cost of the program is $4,945 (includes course fees, entrance exam fee, and certificate enrollment fee) and is paid incrementally as students enroll in courses rather than up front. Cost does not include textbooks or class materials. Course fees and schedules are subject to change.
Our programs are designed for individuals who are already bilingual in Spanish and English. This signifies written fluency, and an ability to complete college-level studies in both languages. To be admitted, students must complete an entrance exam: a written assessment of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and spelling in both languages. All students who pass the entrance exam are eligible to enroll in either program.
• Offered online once per quarter on a Saturday
• Graded by a qualified, bilingual practitioner in the field
• All exam results are reported to students within three business days
• You are eligible to retake the exam as many times as you need, but it cannot be transferred in or waived
For more information please review the Entrance Exam PDF.
- Begin the program with Introduction to Translation
- Complete English to Spanish Translation I and Spanish to English Translation I in separate quarters.
- Complete English to Spanish Translation I and Spanish to English Translation I before Theory & Practice of Translation.
You officially have five years to complete all requirements for the certificate, although students can usually complete the entire program in 1.5- 2.5 years (6-10 quarters) by taking 1-2 courses per quarter.
- Entrance exam: $100 per attempt
- Introduction to Translation (5 week class): $300
- Introduction to Interpretation (5 week class): $300
- English to Spanish Translation 1 (10 week class): $500
- Spanish to English Translation 1 (10 week class): $500
- Theory and Practice of Translation (10 week class): $500
- Consecutive Interpretation (10 week class): $500
- Simultaneous Interpretation (10 week class): $500
- Sight Translation (10 week class): $500
- Elective # 1 (10 week class): $500
- Elective # 2 (10 week class): $500
- Elective # 3 (10 week class): $500
- One time certificate fee once you pass the entrance exam to enroll in the certificate: $95
- Total: $5,295 US Dollars
Additional costs not included in this estimate: Textbooks, the cost of having access to a computer with internet, and the cost of a webcam and headset with mic.
- Online classes close to additional enrollments the first Friday morning after the class starts.
- Enrollment to the entrance exam closes the Thursday prior to the exam at 3pm Pacific Time.
◦The class is closed (see FAQ on when enrollment closes).
◦The class is at capacity. If the class is at capacity you will only be able to join the waitlist.
◦The class is cancelled due to low enrollments.
◦The class has prerequisites that you have not completed yet.
For these reasons we recommend that you enroll early.
The refund deadline for the entrance exam is the day prior to the exam.
The exact refund deadline for each section is listed in the section notes.
You will have access to the online Canvas course on the official start date of the class/exam/info session. Access will be available at 12:01am Pacific Time.
Enrollment to online classes can take up to 24 hours to process and sync up to our online platform, Canvas. For example, if a class started on Tuesday and that is the day a student enrolled, they will likely not have full access to the class until 24 hours later on Wednesday.
- Students who complete the UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies Translation and Interpretation certificate earn an educational certificate. This is different from a professional certification. Industry certifications are usually earned by passing an exam through the state or federal courts or through professional organizations.
- There is currently no national form of certification required for translators and interpreters in the United States, however there are a variety of exams that you can take to demonstrate your proficiency to your employer or that are required for specific jobs. Some of these exams require previous professional experience as a translator/interpreter or an educational certificate such as the ones available at UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies in order to qualify to take the exam.
- You can read additional information about these exams/certifications in our online information session and this Certification Exams PDF.
- UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies offers continuing education loans through UC Approved Lenders. Each institution offers low competitive interest rates and flexible payment options. You are also encouraged to contact your personal financial institution about possible lending solutions. Direct links to UC Approved Lenders can be found on our website’s Financial Resources page.
- The Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a comprehensive range of employment and training services in partnership with state and local agencies/organizations. More information is available on their website at edd.ca.gov.
- Career Centers Located throughout San Diego County offer their communities comprehensive employment and training services benefiting both business and job seekers. More information is available on their website at workforce.org.
- Please click here for information about Veteran’s Benefits.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) funds are limited to degree programs only, and cannot be used for courses or certificate fees at UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies.
The transferability of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution. Students should discuss how your individual courses will transfer with the Office of the Registrar at the receiving institution prior to enrolling.
Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion
If the receiving institution operates on a semester system, credits will be converted to semester hours during their evaluation. As a general rule, quarter credits are converted to semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5. For example, if the student completed a course worth 4 quarter credits at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, the course would be worth 4 ÷ 1.5 = 2.66 semester credits.
Advisory Board
Rebeca Calderon, M.A.
Barbara Edwards
Grant Goodall, PhD
Holly Mikkelson
Ana Morales
Teresa Newman, PhD, FNP
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