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Occupational Safety and Health


Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) Classes

The VILT UC San Diego OTIEC classes will be administered with the same standards, guidelines and policies as the in-person OTIEC course offerings. Per OSHA’s guidelines for live online courses, students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class. Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card. Students' participation, attendance and exam monitoring will be documented. Early registration is highly recommended. 

Although the classes will be taught live via scheduled Zoom meetings, Canvas also provides administrative support and will provide students access to required forms as well as the course materials.  

The VILT classes at the UC San Diego OTIEC are available to anyone who lives or works in OSHA Region 9 (Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Territories and American Samoa). Additionally, if you are a current Outreach Trainer with UCSD, regardless of your residence, you are still eligible to attend a Trainer Update Course (OSHA 502, OSHA 503, OSHA 5402).

Please note: It is MANDATORY for students to be at a stationary site. Students are not allowed to be in a vehicle, driving and/or on a phone while participating during class. Instructors and facilitators reserve the right to notify the department. If you cannot comply, the student will be dropped from the class. Additionally, students are not allowed to participate in the class using their phones. They must use a computer.

The VILT UC San Diego OTIEC classes will be administered with the same standards, guidelines and policies as the in-person OTIEC course offerings. Per OSHA’s guidelines for live online courses, students are required to have video capabilities and must be visible at all times to the instructor and facilitator during the class. Unfortunately, if a student cannot comply with this requirement, they will not be able to attend the class. Students are required to attend all days and times in order to receive a course completion certificate and/or trainer card. Students' participation, attendance and exam monitoring will be documented. Early registration is highly recommended.

OSHA Trainer Courses

These courses are specific to the OSHA Training Institute Education Center, Outreach Training Program. Visit the course pages to apply to attend.

OSHA Safety Courses

These courses are specific to the OSHA Training Institute Education Center. Visit the course pages to enroll.

UCSD Safety Courses

These courses were developed by the UCSD Division of Extended Studies OS&H Department's subject experts. Classes are in-person and online. Visit the course pages to enroll.

Cal/OSHA Courses

These courses will present Occupational Safety & Health topics as they relate to the state of California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health (better known as Cal/OSHA) standards and regulations. Though most applicable to students within California, courses are open to all students.