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Spanish Language

Learn How to Successfully Read, Write, and Communicate Conversationally in Spanish

About the Spanish Language Program

The ability to speak Spanish is increasingly important in the San Diego area. Many employers view proficiency in Spanish and broad familiarity with social norms within bicultural settings as preferred--even required--job qualifications.

The Professional Certificate in Spanish is designed for individuals with little or no background in Spanish. The goal of the program is to bring novice language learners to at least an intermediate level of Spanish, as measured by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI). Students begin with the Communication Series then advance to Refining Fluency and/or Conversations in Spanish. Upon completion of the program, participants should have developed both the language skills and cultural understanding to communicate within a Spanish-speaking environment. The program aims to provide diverse offerings to accommodate the variety of reasons people want to learn Spanish, whether they want to be able to communicate in another culture, to increase professional opportunities, to gain a new skill and expertise, or to better understand their own heritage.

Participants have the opportunity to further reinforce their language and cultural learning experience through pre-approved language immersion programs in Mexico. The academic credit earned in these programs can be applied to the certificate as elective credit.

Connect with us on Facebook: Foreign Languages

Online, Live Online
24 - 27 months
Varies by student and courses taken per quarter
Early enrollment discounts can reduce cost. Cost does not include textbooks or parking.

What You Will Learn

  • Novice to mid-level Spanish language skills, including fundamental oral and written communication.
  • Essential cultural understandings and historical background for successful communication in conversation and travel within a Spanish-speaking environment.
  • Importance of second language abilities for personal enrichment and/or professional opportunities.
  • How to access and utilize tools and resources to continue language acquisition.

This Program Is Designed For

  • For those seeking career-advancement with a professional certificate in Spanish, which could lead to new professional opportunities in our bicultural and bilingual region.
  • Business owners or freelancers seeking to enhance their career opportunities in Spanish-speaking business situations.
  • For anyone who desires to increase their confidence, ease and fluidity with the Spanish language.
  • For motivated learners desiring more cultural awareness and historical knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish Language

Classroom type:
Live Online
Download Course List


All six must be taken in sequence listed

General Electives

It is recommended that electives be taken after completion of Spanish for Communication VI, unless otherwise indicated

Travel Study Electives

Programs available in Mexico


Exam required upon completion of coursework to receive certificate

Conditions for Admission

This certificate does not require any prior Spanish language knowledge or experience.

Certificate Guidelines

In order to receive the Professional Certificate in Spanish, participants must successfully complete the total number of credit units (27 quarter units) and the Spanish Language Proficiency Exam. Exceptions must be approved by the academic department in advance. The approximate cost of the program is estimated at $2,750 (includes course fees and certificate enrollment fee) and is paid incrementally as students enroll in courses, rather than up front. Early enrollment discounts can reduce the cost to $2,525. Cost does not include textbooks, materials, or parking.

Special Notes

All courses are open to students not enrolled in the certificate, but enrollment in the certificate will require an application and certificate fee.

Hear from Students

Learning to communicate in a Foreign Language can be fun. UC San Diego Extension's Foreign Language students share their insights and reasons for learning a foreign language from us.


Within the course description page for each Spanish for Communication course there is a link to a self-placement exam. This exam is self-graded (answers are at the end of the PDF) and is meant to be a guide to assist students in placing themselves in the correct Spanish level. The exams test some of the vocabulary and grammar points covered in each level. Students scoring an 80% or higher are recommended to advance to the next level. For example, if a student completes the exam listed under Spanish for Communication 1 and scores a 90%, they should then review the exam listed under Spanish for Communication 2. If they then score a 60%, then Spanish for Communication 2 should be a good starting point in their language learning.
The Spanish language certificate requires 27 credits. For students new to the Spanish language the sequence is Spanish 1-6 followed by three higher level electives. If you are starting above level one you would then need to take an additional higher level electives to meet the credit requirement. For example, if you start at level two you would then complete Spanish 2-6 followed by four higher level electives. 

Students can also transfer in up to two college level Spanish courses. Please email for more information about transferability of previously completed Spanish language courses.
  • Spanish for Communication 1-6 should be completed sequentially. Students should not complete any of the 1-6 courses concurrently.
  • Spanish: Advanced-Beginner Conversations is an optional lower level conversation class. Students should enroll in this class after completing Spanish for Communication 3, either by itself or concurrently with Spanish for Communication 4. This class does not count towards the Spanish Language certificate and is an optional additional class.
  • After completing Spanish for Communication 6, it is recommended that students advance to a Refining Fluency course:
    • Spanish Refining Fluency: Spain & the Caribbean
    • Spanish Refining Fluency: Mexico & the Southern Cone
    • Spanish Refining Fluency: Andean region and Central America
  • After completing at least one Refining Fluency course, students can then advance to the Conversation courses:
    • Spanish Conversations: Practical Dialogues
    • Spanish Conversations: News and World Issues
    • Spanish Conversations: Literary Café
    • Spanish Conversations: Film
You officially have five years to complete all requirements for the certificate, although students can usually complete the entire program in 2 1/4 years by taking one course per quarter.
Students can transfer in up to two college level Spanish courses. Please email for more information about transferability of previously completed Spanish language courses.
Our classes post to our website and become open for enrollment approximately two months prior to the new quarter starting. If you’d like to get an email reminder you can sign up for our newsletter(s) in My Extension, under the “Preferences” tab.
We recommend enrolling as soon as possible. Each quarter we offer an early enrollment discount of $25 if you enroll by the discount deadline (usually 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the new quarter). Additionally it is good to enroll early because occasionally classes will reach capacity.

*Note: The $25 early enrollment discount does not apply to For Travelers workshops.
Enrollment in a course may be closed for one or more of the following reasons:
  • The course is at capacity. If the course is at capacity you will only be able to join the waitlist. If space becomes available in the course, students on the waitlist are contacted in the order they joined the waitlist.
  • The course has progressed to a point where students will no longer be able to make-up missed work and be successful in the course.
  • The course is cancelled due to low enrollments.
For all three of these reasons we recommend students enroll early in the courses they are interested in.
The Spanish language courses cost $350 each.  Each quarter we offer an early enrollment discount of $25 if you enroll by the discount deadline (usually 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the new quarter) which brings the class fee down to $325.

The approximate cost of the program is estimated at $3,350 (include course fees and certificate enrollment fee) and is paid incrementally as students enroll in courses, rather than up front. Early enrollment discounts can reduce the cost to $3,125. Cost does not include materials.
The refund deadline for courses in this program is typically 3 days after the start of the course. This allows you to enroll in a course and participate in the first class meeting to determine if the course is a good fit. Then, if needed, either you may either transfer your enrollment to a different course or submit a drop request by emailing Student Services at The exact refund deadline for each section is listed in the section notes on the course page in our website, and you can also find it in My Extension by clicking on “My Courses” and then the name of the course.
Students are expected to attend all class meetings, participate in class, and complete all homework assignments. Attendance is factored as a part of students’ final grades, and varies by instructor. Typically students can miss one class meeting without it impacting their final grade as long as they still complete their homework. Students who miss a class meeting should always reach out to their instructor regarding late work and homework.
You may take a course for one of three options: Letter Grade, Pass/No Pass, or Not for Credit. If you are taking a course towards a certificate you must complete your courses for credit (i.e. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade) and receive a C-/Pass or higher grade. Grades below a C-, No Pass, and Not for Credit will not count towards certificate requirements.
Currently, all of our foreign language courses are delivered "live-online" via Zoom. There are no in-person courses.

If your class is located at our La Jolla campus and takes place on a weeknight, you will need to pay for parking. No parking permit is required at our University City Center (UCC) location.

We recommend purchasing a quarterly night parking permit (~$43). If you are taking a 9-10 week class it is more affordable to buy this permit rather than use the hourly permit machines ($3 per hour). Quarterly night permits can be purchased online at: Parking on weekends is free.

Parking is free at our University City Center (UCC) location. Prior to your first class please register your car with this link.

Currently, all of our foreign language courses are delivered "live-online" via Zoom. In addition, we have added a fully "online" option to few of our introductory levels and will eventually offer both delivery options for all of our Spanish courses.
The Spanish for Communication 1-6 series uses the 3rd edition of McGraw-Hill’s Conéctate textbook and Connect materials.

All students must purchase access to Connect's online platform for submitting homework & quizzes. Students also need a textbook for in class. An ebook is included in the Connect access fee. Those opting for the ebook should bring a laptop or digital device to class. Students may opt to also purchase a physical textbook if preferred. Materials & Connect log-in info will be discussed in more detail during the first class meeting. All students will submit homework online via Connect.
UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies is not a degree granting institution, however many UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies courses can be transferred to other colleges or universities.

The transferability of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution. Students should discuss how your individual courses will transfer with the Office of the Registrar at the receiving institution prior to enrolling.

Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion

If the receiving institution operates on a semester system, credits will be converted to semester hours during their evaluation. As a general rule, quarter credits are converted to semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5. For example, if the student completed a course worth 4 quarter credits at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, the course would be worth 4 ÷ 1.5 = 2.66 semester credits.

If you are interested in taking courses at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, you will need to obtain written approval from your school principal or counselor. The approval must be signed and printed on school letterhead, and must be included with your registration. If you are homeschooled, your approval needs to be signed by your contact in your local school district.

The letter should verify that you, the student, have the maturity and academic readiness to attend a post-baccalaureate level or college-level course.

Approvals can be emailed to

We are unable to accept letters signed by your parent, even if your parent is your teacher and/or school administrator. If you have taken community college courses, an official transcript from that college verifying coursework will be accepted in lieu of a letter from your high school or district. College transcripts must reflect a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

**Please note that some courses may address adult themes or use nude models.

If we don’t have the language you are looking for, please let us know what language you’d like to learn so that way we gauge demand for new programs. Also, if you let us know what classes you are looking for that we don’t currently offer we may be able to point you in the direction of other local educational institutions that do offer the language you are looking for.   
For questions regarding our classes and certificates, please contact us at or 858-534-5760.
To enroll into a class, click on the class link in the matrix and that will take you to that class page. There you can find the start date for that course, and you can click on “Add to Cart” which will lead you to complete the registration/payment process.

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