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Professional Certificate

About the Accounting Program

Ready to take your accounting career to the next level? The certificate in Accounting is designed for professionals currently in the field who want to enhance their expertise or those pursuing a new career in accounting.

UC San Diego Extended Studies Professional Certificate in Accounting offers a comprehensive grounding in accounting skills and an understanding of the environment in which today's accountant works. The program is designed for professionals currently in the field who want to enhance their expertise or those pursuing a new career in accounting. It provides a robust foundation in areas such as public accounting, corporate accounting, personal financial planning, and auditing. Additionally, the program is well-suited for professionals needing academic units to qualify for the CPA exam or licensure.*

Program courses are taught by subject matter experts and experienced faculty, offering a current and relevant curriculum to meet the CPA Evolution Exam 2024 requirements. A key strength of the program is its focus on real-world, practical learning, combined with personalized guidance from an advisor to support students throughout their accounting educational journey. With the flexibility of year-round online course offerings, students can continue to advance their knowledge and skills while balancing their existing professional commitments.

Read the "How to Become a CPA" blog post for more information.

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Discover the Essentials of Our Accounting Program

In-Person, Online
In class options might be available for some courses.
12-36 Months
Varies by student and courses taken per quarter.
Cost may vary by format selection and curriculum updates.

Certification and Licensure Requirements

For students who hold a bachelor's degree, the specific educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam needed for certification or licensure may be met by completing the Certificate and the required courses established by the governing organization.*

* For candidates outside California please check with your state accounting board for approval.

For information regarding other CPA credential requirements, contact the governing organizations or your state board of accountancy directly.

Governing Organizations:
* National Board of State Boards of Accountancy:
California State Board of Accountancy (CBA),, (916) 263-3680
This Way to CPA:

Accounting Associations:
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), (800) 638-4427
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA),

Certificate Benefits

  • Subject matter taught by experts & faculty
  • Connect with peers & faculty
  • Real-world, practical learning
  • Courses offered year-round online
  • The certificate may be completed entirely online.
  • Earn units for the CPA Exam and license. *
  • Provides academic units which may be used to meet the California State Board of Accountancy’s educational requirements. Students will earn 36 quarter units (24 Semester units) by completing the 9 Accounting certificate courses applicable towards the Accounting Subjects requirement to qualify for the CPA Examination and Licensure.


Classroom type:
Live Online
Download Course List

Required Courses

Complete all nine courses to receive the certificate.

Recommended Courses for meeting CPA Exam or licensing requirements

Check your state's governing board for their guidelines and policies.

Ethics Study

Educational Requirements For CPA Licensure - Check your state's governing board for their guidelines and policies.

Information Systems and Controls (ISC) - CPA Exam Discipline

Recommended Course for CPA Evolution Exam - Core + Discipline model

Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP) - CPA Exam Discipline

Recommended Course for CPA Evolution Exam - Core + Discipline model

Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR) CPA Exam Discipline

Recommended Course for CPA Evolution Exam - Core + Discipline model

Technology and Digital Acumen - CPA Exam

Core Requirement: Acct : Audit : Tax - CPA Evolution Exam

Contabilidad en Espanol

Accounting In Spanish

Pathway for eligibility to take the Uniform CPA Exam in California

  • Complete a Bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited university
  • Complete 36 quarter/24 semester units in Accounting Subjects by completing the Accounting Certificate
  • Complete 36 quarter/24 semester units in Business-Related Subjects

Requirements for CPA Licensure in California (See the 'CBA Tip Sheet' for more information)

  • Pass the Uniform CPA Exam
  • Meet the educational requirements (complete a minimum of 225 quarter/150 semester units)
  • Obtain the required accounting experience

Conditions for Admission

UC San Diego Extended Studies programs are designed to best serve college-prepared working professionals. Although programs are open to all adult learners, where program capacity is limited, applicants with this profile will receive preference for admission.

State Board Requirements

UC San Diego Extended Studies' courses in appropriate areas meet educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam and offer credit toward the continuing education requirement for relicensure. For further details, please contact the State Board of Accountancy: (916) 263-3680, or

Career Resources and Services

  • One-on-One Career Coaching Appointment - Graduates who are interested in a career coaching appointment can schedule an appointment to get advice on resume building, applications, negotiation, interviewing, leveraging LinkedIn etc. Graduates will meet virtually with a career advisor for up to one-hour. If you would like to schedule an appointment and you have completed the certificate within five years, contact
  • O*Net - Career resources offered by O*Net , an online portal for career exploration, job analysis and self-assessment tools.
  • The Career Channel  - Brought to you by UCTV and UC San Diego Extension, the Career Channel  provides information, tools and experts to help those in career transition identify emerging areas of opportunity and develop plans for reskilling.
  • Explore Career Tools to Make your Next Career Move - Get help with your career research to find the priority sectors and priority jobs. The San Diego Workforce Partnership looked at all occupations in San Diego County to determine which pay best, have the most openings and are growing quickly. There are 72 priority jobs in San Diego County, ranging from stucco masons to biomedical engineers. Find out more at SDWP - My Next Move.
  • Professional Associations - Professional associations offer a terrific opportunity for career education, professional development and networking.


Login to your My Extension account and select “Documents” as the top of the page.
UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies is not a degree granting institution, however many UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies courses can be transferred to other colleges or universities.

The transferability of credit is determined solely by the receiving institution. Students should discuss how your individual courses will transfer with the Office of the Registrar at the receiving institution prior to enrolling.

Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion

If the receiving institution operates on a semester system, credits will be converted to semester hours during their evaluation. As a general rule, quarter credits are converted to semester credits by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5. For example, if the student completed a course worth 4 quarter credits at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, the course would be worth 4 ÷ 1.5 = 2.66 semester credits.
Yes, you may enroll in the program at any time. However, it is recommended that you enroll as soon as possible. The program curriculum may be updated at any time; if certificate requirements change, you must adhere to the curriculum at the time of your enrollment into the certificate. Enrolling in the certificate also gives you access to quarterly, personalized enrollment reminders from the program manager.
Yes, you may take any course in this program without registering for the certificate.
Yes, it is possible to complete the certificate online. Although most courses in the program are taught online, the online offerings may vary each quarter. Contact the program manager for additional information at
No, we do not currently offer job placement assistance or internships. 
The online courses are asynchronous: they have a start and end date but all the lessons are uploaded on Canvas, our online learning management system, so you can learn at your own pace. However, please be aware that you may have weekly assignments, quizzes, or tests that are due on specific dates.
STEP 1: If you have a My Extension student account, skip to Step 2. If you do not have a My Extension account, go to, click "Create an account" on the right side of the page, and follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have a My Extension account, continue to Step 2.

STEP 2:  Click on the "Apply Now" button on the certificate page. Complete the required fields on the application. Then click the "Save" button. Once you have saved the application, the "Submit" button will appear. Click on the "Submit" button to submit your application for review and consideration. Once submitted, your application cannot be changed. You can track the progress of your application at My Extension. 
Each instructor has his/her own preferred method of communication and response policy, which will be detailed on the course syllabus. However, most instructors utilize email or the discussion board and will respond within 24-48 hours.
You officially have five years from when you begin taking courses in the program to complete all requirements for the certificate.
Two unit courses run for 6-7 weeks; three unit courses run for 9-10 weeks; four unit
courses run 10-11 weeks. For exact course dates of upcoming sections, visit the course page on our website.
There are nine required certificate courses which are 4.0 quarter units each. Students successfully completing all courses will earn 36.0 quarter units (which equates to approximately 24 semester units.) The units from these nine certificate courses are accepted by the CA Board of Accountancy for the purposes of meeting the educational requirements to qualify for the CA CPA Exam.
Each student has their own learning style so this can vary greatly. As a rule of thumb, expect to spend an average of two hours studying for every hour you spend in-class. For online courses, students should plan to spend approximately 8-10 hours per week viewing lectures and completing coursework.
Once the course is completed, the instructor has 10 business days to submit your grades. Once grades have been posted, you can view and print them from your MyExtension account.
If you have taken a course from an accredited university covering the learning objectives of a program course, you may be able to transfer your previous coursework to Extension. If you have not taken a course elsewhere, but already have the skills covered in a course, you may be able to substitute an alternate Extension course in its place. Please contact the program manager at or 858-534-8189 for more information.
Yes. Our programs are designed to be working-student friendly and most of our students are working professionals. The courses vary between two and three units, which amount to approximately 18-20 hours of class time for a two unit course and 27-30 hours of class time for a three unit course.
  • UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies offers continuing education loans through UC Approved Lenders. Each institution offers low competitive interest rates and flexible payment options. You are also encouraged to contact your personal financial institution about possible lending solutions. Direct links to UC Approved Lenders can be found on our website’s Financial Resources page.
  • The Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a comprehensive range of employment and training services in partnership with state and local agencies/organizations. More information is available on their website at
  • Career Centers Located throughout San Diego County offer their communities comprehensive employment and training services benefiting both business and job seekers. More information is available on their website at
  • Please click here for information about Veteran’s Benefits.
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) funds are limited to degree programs only, and cannot be used for courses or certificate fees at UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies.
UC San Diego is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies - like all other UC San Diego schools, colleges, and departments - is accredited by WASC through the University. All courses and certificate programs offered by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies have been developed and are administered in accordance with Extension policy and the regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California. 
Current application or certificate enrollment fees, if any, are listed under the “Apply Now” button on the certificate page on our website.
Yes, the program is open to non-California residents, including non-US residents. The tuition is the same for all students. If you have questions about how enrolling in courses may or may not affect your visa status, please contact our International Department at or (858) 534-6784.
If you have enrolled at least three days before the course begins, you will have access starting on the first day of class. You should receive an email from Student Services with instructions for how to login to the course. If you have enrolled on or after the start date of the course, you will have access to the course within one business day.

You will have access to the online Canvas course on the official start date of the class/exam/info session.  Access will be available at 12:01am Pacific Time.

Enrollment to online classes can take up to 24 hours to process and sync up to our online platform, Canvas. For example, if a class started on Tuesday and that is the day a student enrolled, they will likely not have full access to the class until 24 hours later on Wednesday.

You may take a course for one of three options: Letter Grade, Pass/No Pass, or Not for Credit. If you are taking a course towards a certificate you must complete your courses for credit (i.e. Pass/No Pass or Letter Grade) and receive a C-/Pass or higher grade. Grades below a C-, No Pass, and Not for Credit will not count towards certificate requirements.
The program courses are taught by seasoned professionals and overseen by an advisory board of leaders in the field. You can view the advisor list under the “Advisors” section on this certificate page. You can find information about a course instructor, including a biography and credentials, on the course page.
Instructors will post the current text requirements and recommendations on the course page on our website. Please note the textbooks requirements are subject to change every quarter and different instructors may require different books, even if they are teaching the same course in the same quarter, so be sure to check the textbook requirements for the section in which you are enrolling.
Please contact Student Services at (858) 534-3400 or if you experience any issues logging in to any of our systems.
The courses in this program are post-baccalaureate, professional-level, credit bearing courses. Credit earned in these courses may lead to the award of a formal certificate by UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies or may be applied toward an academic degree or professional credential, subject to the approval of the receiving institution.

If you wish to transfer credit, it is your responsibility to confer with the receiving institution before enrolling, as each individual academic institution decides whether or not to accept Extension’s credits.
Our classes post to our website and become open for enrollment approximately two months prior to the new quarter starting. If you’d like to get an email reminder you can sign up for our newsletter(s) in My Extension, under the “Preferences” tab.
Enrollment in a course may be closed for one or more of the following reasons:
  • The course is at capacity. If the course is at capacity you will only be able to join the waitlist. If space becomes available in the course, students on the waitlist are contacted in the order they joined the waitlist.
  • The course has progressed to a point where students will no longer be able to make-up missed work and be successful in the course.
  • The course is cancelled due to low enrollments.
For all three of these reasons we recommend students enroll early in the courses they are interested in.
Please visit the course page on our website to see when courses are typically offered. You can also see a full program schedule by clicking on the “View Schedule” button under the “Courses” section on this page.
Yes, you can order the book(s) any time after enrolling in the course. You may order books through the campus bookstore or online retailers, such as
Most courses combine theory with hands-on exercises. For more information about practical experience in any course, visit the course page on our website.
This program provides educational units to meet the eligibility requirements for the CA CPA Exam. It is not intended to serve as a "test preparation" type of program. 

In partnership with Wiley, students officially enrolled in our Accounting Certificate program may register for the Wiley CPAexcel® Gold Review Course at a significant discount.  For more information visit: Wiley CPA Exam Course

Advisory Board

Cris Calsada, CPA

Chief Financial Officer
Regulus Therapeutics

Suzan Dennis, CPA

Dennis & Dennis, San Diego

Josh Maxwell, CPA

Tax Attorney
Hone Maxell, LLP

John O'dea, CPA

CPA Consultant

Mark Pong

Director of Finance
Del Mar Union School District

Teresa Reed, CPA

Immediate Past President
California Society of CPAs, San Diego Chapter

Jim Deiotte

Executive Director
Rady Executive Director of Grad Programs

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