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Introduction to Front End Technologies


Introduction to Front End Technologies

Students will gain a high-level introduction to logic principles required for successful web programing and development, including an overview of different technologies used in front end development. During the course, students will work on logical exercises and receive an introduction to web principles including networking, URLS, and server terminology. The class provides an overview of the topics and concepts needed to work as a successful programmer and also an overview of understanding the functional aspects of websites and other server-side components.

Course Topics:

  • Intro to computers and programming
  • Input, processing, and output
  • Modular programming
  • Decision Structures and Boolean Logic
  • Repetition Structures
  • Functions, arrays, sorting and searching arrays
  • Recursion and object-oriented programming

Course Benefits:

  • Apply logic principles to real-world use cases
  • Implement pseudocode and flowcharting
  • Apply decision structures, modules, and functions

Software: Microsoft Office (Word and Excel) or a similar product that can create text documents and flowchart design

Hardware: No Special Hardware (other than a computer)

Course typically offered: Online in the Fall, Winter, and Spring

Prerequisites: None

Note: Students in the Front End Development program who are already familiar with computer programming may substitute this course with any other computer science related course. For more information, please contact

Next steps: Upon completion, consider additional coursework in our specialized certificate in Front End Development  such as Introduction to HTML and CSS to continue learning

Contact: For more information about this course, please contact

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions
