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English Learner Added Authorization (CLAD) Through CTEL

Designed to meet the EL Authorization requirements of CCTC


UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies, in collaboration with UCLA Extension and UC Riverside Extension developed English Learner Authorization (CLAD) through CTEL programming to address revised program standards, receiving Commission approval on January 17, 2008. An online CLAD Through CTEL program application or an online CLAD Through ELD program application must be submitted and approved prior to becoming eligible for a program recommendation to the CTC. 


The general requirements for earning the California English Learner Added Authorization (CLAD) follow:

  • Possession of an appropriate valid prerequisite credential
  • Passage of the CTEL examinations; completion of a specified number of units through and approved California Teachers of English Learner (CTEL) program; a combination of the CTEL exams and coursework with an approved program; or equivalency evaluation by a Commission approved program sponsor

A valid California preliminary teaching credential is required for admission to the program. In order to meet California academic requirements for a English Learner Added Authorization (CLAD), candidates must be admitted to an approved program and complete 18 quarter units in an approved program; a combination of CTEL Exams and approved coursework; or be granted equivalency and fulfill any requirements deemed necessary by an approved program.

CLAD Through CTEL candidates must successfully maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better and receive a grade of “C” or higher in each course to be eligible for a formal recommendation to the Commission for a English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1). Grades of "C-" or below will not count toward program requirements for recommendation purposes.

CLAD Through ELD candidates must successfully maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better and receive a grade of “B” or higher in the required course to be eligible for a formal recommendation to the Commission for a English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1). Grades of "B-" or below will not count toward program requirements for recommendation purposes.

English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through ELD

English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through ELD
Candidates that are issued a preliminary credential through a California prepared program and enrolled in a program on or after January 1, 2014 are issued the preliminary with the English Learner Authorization of ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE. Teachers with those authorizations are authorized to provide ELD instruction in self-contained and core settings authorized by the prerequisite credential, but not as a separate content area in a departmentalized setting. The ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE authorizations do not allow for Departmentalized English Language Development.

As a result, the CLAD Through ELD option has been created to allow holders of a valid ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE to earn a full English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1). Applications to the program are reviewed for equivalency to the CLAD through CTEL program standards. Coursework is required specifically related to Departmentalized English Language Development that is not reflected in the standards for ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE.

See when the next Quarter courses will be available

CLAD Through CTEL Online Application

The CLAD Through CTEL application is available online. Admissions are on a rolling basis and there is no specific application deadline. Each application is reviewed in the order the supporting documentation is received. This includes your official transcript verifying your degree and grade point average that must be submitted directly to the department.


CLAD Through ELD Online Application

The CLAD Through CTEL application with the CLAD Through ELD option is available online. Admissions are on a rolling basis and there is no specific application deadline. Each application is reviewed in the order the supporting documentation is received. This includes your official transcript verifying your degree and grade point average that must be submitted directly to the department.

The CLAD Through ELD option to earn a CLAD Added Authorization is only available for California prepared teachers that have the authorization of ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE on their current credential. Any other applicant can only earn the CLAD Through CTEL Added Authorization by completing the full CLAD Through CTEL program.


Program Pricing Overview

EL Authorization (CLAD) Through CTEL at a Glance EL Authorization (CLAD) Through ELD at a Glance
# of courses required: 6 # of courses required: 1
Total units required: 18 Total units required: 6
Estimated cost: $2,300 Estimated cost: $800
Time to Complete: 3-6 months Time to Complete: 2 months
Delivery: Online Delivery: Online

Please contact the department at if you require more detailed instructions.

Additional Information & Resources

Requirements to earn a California English Learner Added Authorization

The two general California requirements for earning a California English Learner Added Authorization are:

  • Possession of an appropriate valid prerequisite credential
  • Passage of the CTEL examinations; completion of a specified number of units through and approved California Teachers of English Learner (CTEL) program; a combination of the CTEL exams and coursework with an approved program; or equivalency evaluation by a Commission approved program sponsor

A valid preliminary teaching credential is required for admission to the program. These two requirements are necessary in order to be eligible for a English Learner Added Authorization. To meet California academic requirements, candidates must complete 18 quarter units or a combination of CTEL Exams and approved coursework.

All candidates must successfully maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better and receive a grade of “C” or higher in each course to be eligible for a formal recommendation to the Commission for the English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1). Grades of "C-" or below will not count toward program requirements for recommendation purposes.

English Learner Program Guidelines

All candidates who wish to receive the California English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1) are required to:

  1. Apply to the English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through CTEL or English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through ELD program
  2. Finalize your admission to the program
  3. Complete all the required online courses with a grade of “C” or better
  4. Coursework must be completed within 5 years of beginning the program
  5. Submit a Request to Recommend directly to UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies

Formal Recommendations to CCTC for English Learner Added Authorization

Upon completion of the requirements for CLAD Through CTEL coursework only candidates; your Planned Course of Study for Combined CTEL Exam & Coursework; or CLAD Through ELD option candidates and must submit the following materials to initiate the online recommendation process to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Details on the process are covered in the Portfolio class.

Only participants who have finalized their admission to the program and completed the entire English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through CTEL program or English Learner Authorization (CLAD) Through ELD option are eligible for formal recommendation.

  • Submit completed Credentialing Recommend Request form
    • The form is available in the Portfolio class (CLAD Through CTEL candidates).
    • The form in available in the Departmentalized ELD class (CLAD Through ELD candidates).
  • Official transcript(s) verifying completion of all coursework on your Planned Courses of Study is required.
    • This includes any coursework completed at UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies.
  • The Commission will only send the Recommendation notification to the email address they have on file. 
    • Update your email with the Commission prior to submitting the Request to Recommend.
    • UCSD can no longer do so on your behalf.
  • Candidates will be required to submit a processing fee directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing upon recommendation for the English Learner Added Authorization (ELA1). 
    • This fee must be submitted through the Commission’s online recommendation system and can only be made by debit or credit card.

Please contact the department at if you require more detailed instructions.


Student Testimonials

For me, the most important and intriguing aspects of the CLAD Through CTEL program is the academic qualifications and experience of its instructors. I felt like I was being taught by grounded cream of the crop professionals.

- Edward K.,

A direct impact of this coursework was my ability to change a company policy. I was able to have it changed to ensure that ELL students who are taking our assessments are not prevented from demonstrating their knowledge and skills due to their lack of mastery of the English language.

- Kelly B.,

I looked into multiple universities that offered this program, and I can confidently say I have no regrets about my decision. UCSD Extension did an excellent job building this program. The amount of information and input I have gained over the past six months is priceless.

- Kristin S.,

I was completely taken aback as to how comprehensive the CLAD through CTEL program at UC San Diego Extension would be. This program has really helped me adapt my approaches and styles of teaching mathematics to help reach the needs of all students in my classroom.

- Scott M.,

Every aspect of this program was relevant, connected, and essential to the work I/we do as educators and leaders. From the new learning to the deeper understanding in many areas, I can apply these skills in so many aspects of my life.

- Senovia C.,

This program has gifted me with a paradigm shift. Without question I have gained a toolbox of strategies, but more importantly the teachings have liberated me from blind spots that most certainly limited my teaching effectiveness of English Language Learners.

- Stephen P.,

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