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Tools and Technology in Translation


Learn about on- and off-line resources to increase productivity, refine researching skills and assure a top-quality translation work. Feel comfortable showcasing your talent and networking with clients and colleagues through a professional site, web profiles and social networking outlets. Build teamwork and organizational skills and get ready to manage large translation projects. Become familiar with the Computer-Assisted Translation Tool (CAT) environment and some industry-specific jargon to communicate better with project managers and other players in the translation industry worldwide.

Course Information

3.00 units
Notes: Intended for experienced and beginning translators who already have basic computer skills. Elective for the Professional Certificate in Translation and Interpretation. Requirement for the Specialized Certificate in Translation.

Course sessions

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Online Asynchronous.

This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.


Tools and Technology in Translation 1st
by Rafa Lombardino

ISBN / ASIN: 9781502997449

You may purchase textbooks via the UC San Diego Bookstore.


  • No refunds after: 3/31/2025


This is an online course; all class sessions are taught online. There are no face-to-face class sessions. You will have access to your online course on the published start date. The login URL/website is Your username and password is your email address on record with UCSD Extension.


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Instructor: Rafaela Lombardino, B.A., B.S., C.T.

Rafaela Lombardino, B.A., B.S., C.T.

A native Brazilian working as a professional translator since 1997. She is certified in EN/PT and EN/ES language combinations.

Rafaela Lombardino teaches Tools & Technology in Translation, Introduction to Subtitling, and Introduction to Swordfish for the Translation certificate and the Translation & Interpretation certificate program. She is a native Brazilian working as a professional translator since 1997. She is certified in EN/PT and EN/ES language combinations and specializes in technology.

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