Kimberly Morrison
My Courses
- (EDUC-30145) The Reading Process
- (EDUC-31220) Foundations and Methods of English Language/Literacy Development and Content Instruction
- (EDUC-40279) The Pillars of Dual Language Immersion
- (EDUC-40280) Curriculum Development in Dual Language Immersion
- (EDUC-40282) Educational Leadership in Dual Language Immersion
- (EDUC-40283) Assessment & Accountability in Dual Language Immersion
- (EDUC-42410) Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood
- (EDUC-42412) Documenting, Observing and Assessing Learning of Young Children
Kimberly Morrison, M.ED., received a Masters in Reading & Literacy Education, Multiple Subject Credential with CLAD Certification, Reading Specialist Credential, and a Reading Certificate. Since 2005, she has taught elementary education, dual language, and Higher Education. Morrison works for multiple universities as an Adjunct Professor, Curriculum Developer, and University Support Provider supporting interns and student teachers to meet TPE focus areas to become high-quality educators. Morrison is Leading Edge Certified (LEC) through SDCOE - a National Certification Program in Educational Technology and Curriculum Innovation for online and blended learning. In addition, she created and developed The Dual Language Immersion Program and developed courses for the Early Childhood Education Certificate Program at UC San Diego Extended Studies.