Executive Perspective for Scientists & Engineers (EPSE)
About the Program
Now in its 40th year, EPSE has graduated over 1000 senior level professionals and has helped them become more valuable and productive as they broadened their perspective and identified with their overall business. EPSE has provided science and engineering senior professionals with an Executive Perspective on the business and management challenges facing today's technology industries.
EPSE addresses the need for professional development and was designed with the rising population of scientists and engineers in mind. The program's team-oriented and fast-paced format introduces participants to a whole new arena of knowledge and perspective about science and technology-based business. It helps the region's science-based talent advance into leadership positions, which benefits the individual, their employer, and the regional economy.
EPSE is designed for mid- to senior-level scientists and engineers who have several years of supervisory and operational experience. Applicants should have a degree in engineering, science, computer science, or related field.
EPSE provides a unique arena for networking with other class members. Graduates automatically become members of the EPSE Alumni Association which allows participants the opportunity to contact other graduates from many different industries.
Industries represented include:
- Aerospace
- Bioscience/biotechnology
- Computing
- Electronics
- Energy
- Semiconductors
- Software
- Telecommunications
Other courses of interest include the Essentials of Leadership and Management (ELM) Program.
Program Dates
The tuition for the 2024-2025 EPSE Program is $14,995.
- Module 1: Leading Knowledge-Based Organizations
Dates TBD - Module 2: Understanding a Technology Business
Dates TBD - Module 3: Building New Value Through Innovation
Dates TBD
For more module info, see the "Related Documents" module of this page.
Application deadline: TBD
EPSE is offered once per year, beginning in September and ending in May. Class meets on Mondays, 1-7:30 p.m. **2024/2025 progam start and end dates are TBD**
Students may enroll at the start of each module. Modules may be taken out of sequence. All three modules must be completed in order to graduate. Maximum time to complete is one module per calendar year.
Tuition includes books, materials, meals, activities, and the annual EPSE graduation ceremony. Tuition also includes lodging and meals at the 3-day retreat.
Application and Admission Process
Admission to the EPSE program requires an application. Applications may be submitted at any time. There is no charge to apply. Applicants are evaluated based on their academic and professional preparation and current management duties. Applicants who are accepted to the program are then scheduled to begin in the next available module and will be invoiced for the program fee.
Additional Information & Resources
The Learning Experience
EPSE incorporates an assessment of the participants' management skills and behavior, including feedback from their supervisors, peers and subordinates. Participants reach a deeper understanding of their current skills and how they are perceived by those at work, and develop an initial plan to further develop their leadership qualities.
Module 1: Leading Knowledge-Based Organizations
Success in any management role depends largely on refined leadership and communication skills. Further, leaders in knowledge-based organizations must excel at providing guidance to professionals who are theirs peers in a way that clarifies, inspires and sustains peak performance. Topics in this module are selected to give participants insight into several critical capabilities.
Module 2: Understanding a Technology Business
Even superb leadership skills are handicapped without a firm grounding in the business environment in which they must operate. Science and technology businesses are among the most dynamic and challenging of our era. Topics covered in this module address business functions from the perspective of the technical specialist, and how they are applied in an integrated fashion to achieve commercial success.
Module 3: Building New Value Through Innovation
Efficient deliver of well-received product and services will help a firm succeed only as long as the marketplace remains constant; but to sustain success and thrive in today's global environment, firms must continue to build new value for the marketplace through technical innovation. Topics in this module address the art and science of creating commercial value from technical innovation.
Learning activities such as research assignments, simulation exercises, and planning projects are also part of the EPSE program.
Application of Learning
Activities are featured during the program to help participants apply and integrate lessons learned during class sessions. These activities include:
- Individual research assignments
- Simulation exercises
- Planning projects
- Case study analysis
- Small group discussion
- Individual presentations
Student Research and Results
Each year EPSE students engage in a team research project as a part of their learning activities. These projects help the students to understand good management practices and teach a value process for gathering information and examining management issues as an alternative to making snap decisions.
The research project topic varies each year based on current business and management issues. The summaries below combine the research and conclusions of both LAMP and EPSE students, and address:
- The Value of Research
- The Assignment
- Information Received
- Combined Findings
- Discussion
Project Summaries
- 2014/2015
Developing Leaders (pdf) - 2013/2014
Preparing for the Departure of Boomers (pdf) - 2012/2013
- 2010/2011
Retaining and Engaging Key Talent (pdf) - 2009/2010
Closing Underperforming Operations (pdf) - 2008/2009
Fostering Innovation in Technology Companies (pdf) - 2007/2008
Implementing Major Organizational Change While Sustaining Productivity (pdf) - 2006/2007
Rapid Achievement of Productivity for New Employees (pdf) - 2005/2006
Balancing Attention to Short and Long Term Business Needs (pdf) - 2004/2005
Integrating Critical-analytical Skill with Conceptual-emotional Thought (pdf)
Company Participation & Testimonials
Company Participation
Many San Diego companies sponsor employees in EPSE every year as an integral part of the company's management development efforts. The knowledge they gain in this program allows the participants to better contribute to their company's success, both in fulfilling their current responsibilities and in working with other functional units to conceive and implement valuable new capabilities.
See list of participating companies
"EPSE has been very valuable in changing my perspective on how to manage a technical business. I have learned about how the business world really functions. The interaction with peers from different companies and industries has been phenomenal. I have learned as much from fellow students as I have from the instructors!"
-Alan Lewis, Asymtek
"Goodrich has sent over 40 managers/directors through the EPSE program since 1984. EPSE has proven to be an integral part of our leadership development strategy, and will continue to be in the future. The program offers exposure to course content and expert lecturers that we could not hope to duplicate internally. This gives us great value for our investment. I hope the EPSE program continues to expand and we look forward to being part of that future."
-Warren Potts, Goodrich Aerostructures Group
"The program offers leadership challenges dealing with teams, self-examination and development of improvements plans, as well as actual business case analyses. This is just a sampling of the structured learning opportunities. EPSE's greatest benefit, however, is the dialogue that occurs during team interaction and discussions that take place between a diverse group of students from high tech industries."
-David Allen, Goodrich Aerospace
“EPSE has refined and improved the skills I use on my program on a daily basis. I was recently awarded a promotion from Chief Engineer to Program Manager, making the jump from the technical staff into the program office in our organization, which I attribute to my experience in the EPSE program. Even after receiving this promotion, I had a meeting with one of our senior managers who said ‘Well you’re finishing up EPSE, so I think I need to find you something more challenging.’ Needless to say, I’m excited to see where EPSE takes me next.”
-Geoffrey Graham , BAE
"EPSE has been an outstanding experience. The course content and instructors have given me ideas that I immediately put to use within my own company and personal career growth. Networking with peers from many diverse technology businesses in San Diego has proved invaluable. I recommend EPSE without reservation!"
-Tyler Jensen, Vocel
Alumni Association
The Alumni Board is made up of Alumni representatives from each graduating class—from a graduated pool of over 1200—who meet monthly with the Directors and staff, to provide support to the EPSE and LAMP programs.
Contact Us
Cindy McHugh
Business & Corporation Education
UC San Diego Extended Studies
(619) 861-6716