Leadership and Management Program (LAMP)
2025-2026 Information and Applications Coming Soon!
For over 30 years, UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies' Leadership and Management Program has been helping prospective managers move their companies into the future.
The five-month afternoon/evening program is designed to help promising employees develop a comprehensive management skill set. Successful applicants can expect to learn core skills in:
- Individual & workgroup leadership
- Business management fundamentals
- Personal skill building
LAMP is designed for entry to mid-level professionals who are taking on leadership and management roles and need to enhance their skills. Participants in LAMP have either a Bachelors degree or equivalent experience in an engineering, science, business, or related field.
Students are evaluated against specific competencies and milestones, and are given UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies credit for successful completion. Graduates of LAMP are recognized through the award of a Certificate from the University of California San Diego Division of Extended Studies. Additionally, each student earns 12 units of professional continuing education credit in business administration.
Program Dates & Fees
Tuition Reimbursement
Many San Diego companies sponsor employees in LAMP every year as an integral part of the company's management development efforts. The knowledge they gain in this program allows the participants to better contribute to their company's success, both in fulfilling their current responsibilities and in working with other functional units to conceive and implement valuable new capabilities.
Application and Admission Process
Each participant must complete an application and be admitted to the program. Application can be submitted any time via the online application form. Applicants are evaluated based on their academic and professional experience and current management duties to make sure they are a proper fit in the program.
Additional Information & Resources
The Learning Experience
LAMP is an in-depth course of interrelated topics, providing over 100 hours of learning. The instructional approach emphasizes team interaction, problem solving, and personal reflection and peer coaching. LAMP carefully selects each study topic based on the immediate and practical needs of participants. Faculty, guest speakers, and case studies offer timely, relevant and specific application to the unique environment of companies operating in a modern technology and global marketplace.
Historically, more than one-third of LAMP's graduates are promoted to broader levels of responsibility within their companies soon after completing the program. Virtually every participating company reports immediate improvement in managerial performance as a result of graduates applying the concepts taught in LAMP. Furthermore, the dynamic interaction between participants throughout the program builds valuable long-term relationships. Graduates have special access to UCSD Diego Division of Extended Studies career development efforts, as well as alumni events.
Program Format
LAMP is organized in two modules of learning workshops:
- Module I: Foundation principles in managing people
- Module II: Managing people via projects and processes
For more module info, see the "Related Documents" module of this page.
The two modules build upon one another in sequence. Each series module explores issues relevant to your success as a manager. Comprised of approximately ten separate class meetings, each series is taught by a network of subject matter experts. Information, tools and models are presented in class with an emphasis on immediate and direct application at work. In addition, selected sessions allow participants to focus on how principles of project, product or process management are applied within their specific industry. Lastly, LAMP draws heavily on the collective experience of the participants themselves. Students work in teams to apply concepts, examine case studies, and implement out-of-class project assignments.
LAMP instructors are proven experts in imparting the most up-to-date and practical information on management today. They have been selected not only for their education, but as importantly for their experience in the practical application of their specialties, and their exceptional teaching skills.
Student Research and Results
Each year LAMP students engage in a research project as a part of their learning activities. These projects help students to understand good management practices and teach a value process for gathering information and examining management issues as an alternative to making snap decisions.
The research project topic varies each year based on current business and management issues. The summaries below combine the research and conclusions of both LAMP and EPSE students, and address:
- The Value of Research
- The Assignment
- Information Received
- Combined Findings
- Discussion
Project Summaries
- 2014/2015
Developing Leaders (ppt) - 2013/2014
Preparing for the Departure of Boomers (pdf) - 2012/2013
Working in a Virtual Environment (pdf) - 2011/2012
Use of Social Media in Management (pdf) - 2010/2011
Retaining and Engaging Key Talent (ppt) - 2009/2010
Closing Underperforming Operations (pdf) - 2008/2009
Fostering Innovation in Technology Companies (pdf) - 2007/2008
Implementing Major Organizational Change While Sustaining Productivity (pdf) - 2006/2007
Rapid Achievement of Productivity for New Employees (pdf) - 2005/2006
Balancing Attention to Short and Long Term Business Needs (pdf) - 2004/2005
Integrating Critical-analytical Skill with Conceptual-emotional Thought (pdf)
LAMP Testimonials
"Getting to be part of the LAMP class was a great educational experience, but what sets it apart is the ability to provide knowledge and guidelines that can be practically applied in the workplace. LAMP takes meaningful, pertinent topics and presents them so that the message is relevant for each of the students’ specific situations. The instructors encouraged engagement and participation, and the staff solicits feedback in order to make sure that each class is significant and topical for those that attend. The class has been highly beneficial to me, and I started implementing lessons I learned as early as the day after the very first class. I strongly recommend the LAMP program for technical professionals who are moving into, or who have had no formal training in management. It will provide information that they’ll be able to use for years to come."
-Paul Gottschlich - ID Analytics, Inc. - Quality Assurance Manager
"LAMP had a positive impact on me almost immediately. By going through the action plan outlined in my Leadership Development Plan, I saw improvements right away in the developmental areas identified in my 360 degree assessment. The knowledgeable instructors had the real world experience necessary to guide me through applying the course material in my job. LAMP’s value far exceeds all other Leadership and Management type programs I have taken in the past."
-Jeremy Launder - L3 Communications - Sr. Engineer
"The LAMP program was exemplary in terms of academic excellence and professional presentation, and is a credit to UCSD. I enjoyed participating in the classes and learning from other industry professionals, both students and instructors. I am pleased to have been associated with such a knowledgeable group and proud to say that I am now a graduate of the UCSD extension program. I look forward to maintaining that association and would highly recommend the program to any aspiring leader in local industry.""
-Alan Douglas - Goodrich, Chula Vista
"Overall LAMP was a very good class for me. The course provided a solid framework for how to be a more effective manager and team leader. The instructors, and discussions with class mates, provided valuable examples of approaches used by different companies. As a result of the course, I now approach things differently at work.""
-Larry Cook - CCAD, LLC Senior Manager
Alumni Association
The Alumni Board is made up of Alumni representatives from each graduating class—from a graduated pool of over 1200—who meet monthly with the Directors and staff, to provide support to the EPSE and LAMP programs.
Contact Us
Cindy McHugh
Business & Corporation Education
UC San Diego Extended Studies
(619) 861-6716