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Writing for Children II: Intermediate


Revision is the key to improving your work to reach the next level: publication. But often the hardest part is to figure out which words to cut, which to leave in, and how to tighten up the rest.

This writing course will concentrate on revision through sharing your work - picture books, easy readers, nonfiction books, and novels - for constructive feedback from classmates and the instructor.

What You Will Learn:

  • Deep dive into the revision process.
  • Tips on writing techniques.
  • How the submission process works for publication.
  • How to provide and receive critique via in-class exercises.

Quarters Typically Offered:  Winter | Summer
Prerequisite:  Writing for Children I (WCWP-40186)

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions

Please contact the Arts, Humanities, Languages & Digital Arts department at 858-534-5760 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.