Technical Communication I
Technical Communication I
10 weeks | Online
This is a practical, hands-on technical writing course for all currently practicing or would-be technical communicators wishing to get a firmer grasp on this extremely broad and quickly evolving industry and develop some of the core competencies required in the profession, today. We will cover a broad range of topics, including the life-cycle communication process for project management; ethical issues facing technical communicators; organizational and genre-appropriate design; plain language and global audience guidelines for today’s technical writers and editors; basic principles of visual communication; and usability and content management techniques for both print and digital media. Additionally, you will complete a final project – one that involves a real-world product or service – that is worthy of inclusion in your professional portfolio and appropriate for showing current or prospective employers.
Quarters Offered: Spring, Fall | Online
Prerequisite: Fluent in English and ability to write clear, logical, and grammatically correct sentences and familiarity with MS Word and PowerPoint.
Software: MS Word and Adobe Acrobat (Reader or Professional)
Note: Fulfills 3 units toward requirements for the Technical Communication Certificate. Non-certificate students may take this class.
Course Information
Course sessions
Section ID:
Class type:
This course is entirely web-based and to be completed asynchronously between the published course start and end dates. Synchronous attendance is NOT required.
You will have access to your online course on the published start date OR 1 business day after your enrollment is confirmed if you enroll on or after the published start date.
Technical Communication 14th
by John M. Lannon
ISBN / ASIN: 9780134678825
You may purchase textbooks via the UC San Diego Bookstore.
- No refunds after: 4/11/2025
- 1st no meeting date: 5/26/2025
Linda Oestreich, B.A.

A senior consultant with The Marlin Alliance, and has a lifetime teaching credential from the California Community College System
Linda Oestreich teaches Basics of Technical Editing and Critical Thinking for Communicators for UC San Diego Extension's Technical Communication Certificate Program.
Linda is an STC (Society for Technical Communication) Fellow and the 2007-2008 President of STC, where she served as board member at the international level of STC for more than 10 years. Linda recently retired from her position as the Project Manager for Talent and Leadership Development at Headquarters, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). Prior to taking on that position, she worked as a contracting consultant with The Marlin Alliance, where she supported the Director of Human Resources and EEO for SPAWAR. Also at SPAWAR, she was a Senior Strategic Planner/Analyst in the Strategic Management and Business Planning Office. For 5 years preceding her work with SPAWAR, Linda served as Systems and Software Engineering Manager for Service and Portfolio Management products for Hewlett Packard Enterprises. In the past, Linda worked as the principal of a consulting company, recruiter for that company, human resource advocate, corporate communications manager, documentation manager, and technical writer/editor in various industries including software development, oil and gas, government, science and engineering R&D, and property management.
In 2008, Linda was chosen to lead a delegation of technical communicators to China through the People to People Ambassador program. She currently does contract work in various areas of technical communication including teaching and presenting workshops in basic editing, creativity, information design, and leadership. Linda has had a lifelong passion to help other communicators and leaders. Her instructional skills are well-received and appreciated by her students. She has a lifetime teaching credential from the California Community College System and is currently teaching communication courses at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD) Extension. Linda holds a BA in English from UCSD, with minors in creative writing and scientific perspectives, and has a certificate in Project Management from Rice University. She is a respected, accomplished communicator.