Steven Lemanski
Steve Lemanski teaches Technical Communication I, Technical Communiation II, UX for Technical Communicators and Critical Thinking for Communicators for UC San Diego Extension's Technical Communication Certificate Program.
Steve has worked as a professional writer, editor, and content strategist in the realms of marketing communications and technical communications for more than 20 years. He is now owner and managing editor of Human Factor Communications, LLC, where he helps clients re-design and fine-tune their internal and external multi-channel communications to better engage audiences and move them to action. Early in his communications career, Steve worked in media production (radio, television, and newspaper), in Colorado and Arizona. He has written, edited, and published high-tech marketing, product development, and corporate communications—both print and digital—for original equipment manufacturers, IT service providers, government agencies, and a large healthcare organization.
Steve believes everything he has done as a professional communicator in industry and the media has led him to an even more personally rewarding career as a postsecondary writing and communication instructor. Before teaching technical communication courses for UC San Diego Extended Studies, for four years Steve taught first-year English composition at community colleges in Virginia and Colorado.