About the Machine Learning Methods Program
Our Specialized Certificate in Machine Learning Methods will introduce students to the subject matter using a variety of tools including Linear Algebra, Deep Learning, TensorFlow, and Deep Neural Networks (DNN).
Machine Learning is an application of artificial intelligence that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. According to a report by BCC Research, the ability of computers to "learn" without having to be programmed will continue to impact global markets in coming years. This growth is being driven by increased computing power, the expanding need for learning and prediction applications, and rising usage of the cloud for data storage.
A student completing this certificate will accumulate an important set of skills needed in current machine learning careers. Courses consist of both theoretical and practical skills complementing each other and hence enhancing the machine learning scientist abilities. Furthermore, courses are designed and classified to train students further in the field of machine learning, as well as coordinating with other engineering disciplines and industrial practices.
Key Program Topics
• Learn linear algebra skills necessary for machine learning and neural network modelling
• Tools and underlying mathematical concepts of data interpretation that work with specific models of neural networks (NN)
• Review tools available to build Deep Learning including: Tensor Flow, Keras, and Theano
• Perform detailed analysis of leading machine learning approaches and popular NN like CNN, FCNN, ImageNet, ResNet, and RNN
• Apply NN in image classification, image segmentation and natural language processing (NLP)
• Algorithms and modelling used in supervised learning of neural networks.
For more information about this program, please contact: unex-techdata@ucsd.edu.
Starting from Summer 24 quarter, we will be offering a newly realigned Specialized Machine Learning Methods Certificate. The updated format increases the number of required courses from one (1) to two (2) and still includes two (2) elective courses. However, the required number of units will increase from nine (9) to twelve (12) units. Students will be required to take two (2) required courses and two (2) electives or twelve (12) units to obtain the certificate.
If you are a student who joined the Specialized Machine Learning Methods Certificate prior to 05/03/24, you need to continue to follow the previous program requirements. Please contact unex-techdata@ucsd.edu with any questions.
Machine Learning Methods
Recommended but not required
Required Courses
Complete six (6) units
Elective Courses
Complete six (6) units
Other Courses of Interest
Not required for certificate
Conditions for Admission
Although open to all adult learners, UC San Diego Extension programs are designed to best serve college-prepared working professionals. Where program capacity is limited, applicants with this profile will receive preference for admission.
Certificate Guidelines
You may enroll in the certificate program at any time. However, it is recommended that you enroll as soon as possible. The program curriculum may be updated at any time; if certificate requirements change, you must adhere to the curriculum at the time of your enrollment into the certificate.
EDC Preferred Provider
The San Diego Regional EDC's Advancing San Diego program is designed to address talent shortages in STEM positions. Students of our program will be eligible for fully-funded internships at San Diego small companies. Learn more about the program by visiting AdvancingSD.com.

Advisory Board
Alfonso Limon, Dr.
Borislav Ristic
Maria Lupetini
Tony Mauro
Julian McAuley, Dr.
Milan Oljaca
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