Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Update from the President for the New Year
Fall always brings memories for me, brought up in the Midwest, of raking fallen leaves and burning them so we could enjoy the wonderful aroma. Not something that happens here in California, so I need to make a new tradition. Think I’ll return to childhood when fall meant a new outfit for school and the anticipation of the first day of classes.
When I look at the curriculum planned for the fall semester, it will be hard to get in every class I find interesting. I discovered some time ago that being a member of Osher was “the best buy in town”! Where could you go where you will see old friends and meet new ones on a daily basis, select as many or few classes to attend to learn about things that have always interested you, take field trips to fascinating places, have lunch or dinner with other Osher members…all for the amazing price of about $2 each time! Amazes me!
Our Fall Open House will be held on Saturday, October 1 at 10 am on campus. This is your opportunity to come for a delicious continental breakfast, meet people who, like you, are interested in continuing learning, and get all your questions about Osher answered. It is a delightful morning filled with fascinating information that we ask you to share with friends and relatives. The more the merrier!
I urge you to become a member now so that you will not miss any of the special events coming up. Ask any current member and you will learn how much we all enjoy the benefits of constant learning, new and meaningful friendships, and a new look at life and what it brings. Your grandchildren will praise you!
“Of all the means which wisdom acquires to ensure happiness through out the whole life, the most important is friendship.” - Socrates