Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Field Trip: San Diego Neighborhoods
Osher Tour of North Park Dryden Historic District
Osher Tour of North Park Dryden Historic District
Saturday, October 29 at 10am
Each quarter Osher presents a lecture and tour of one of San Diego’s historic neighborhoods. This quarter we will visit the Dryden Historic District at the Northeast corner of Balboa Park. The District developed primarily between 1912 and the beginning of the Second World War, containing 134 homes: 53 are California Bungalow style homes, 46 are Craftsman Style and 25 are Spanish Colonial, or Mission Revival style. George Franck, a Vice President of the North Park Historical Society will lead the tour. See page 45 for a discussion of his preview lecture of the tour and a biography. Tour begins at 10:00 AM and will be followed by a no-host luncheon at a local restaurant. Registration and fee TBA.
Presenter: George Franck, a Certified Urban Planner, worked for 29 years as a regional planner at the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Following his retirement, he has volunteered as a docent at the Marston House Museum in Balboa Park, leading tours and assisting in the research of historic issues in Balboa Park neighborhoods. He is Vice President of the North Park Historical Society and lives a block from Park Boulevard. He has a Bachelor’s degree in City Planning from the University of Virginia and a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from San Diego State University.