Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Note from the Osher President
As I reflect on this last year of my presidential term, it is so rewarding to see the many things that have been accomplished during trying times. When our in-person classes were suspended, the strength and resiliency of our Program Director Amy Patterson and our videographer Jorge Avilez showed when they came together and worked out a seamless transition to doing our classes with Zoom.
Curriculum Chair Steve Clarey continued to provide the most interesting and innovative speakers and subjects including several from outside the United States. Attendance has been excellent, with some classes garner-ing well over 100 attendees. Participation in the question-and-answer peri-ods as well as in seminar style classes, has been robust.
I would like to thank each and every one for continuing your membership during this past year, especially the many couples who both reregistered. This shows loyal commitment to our program! With you standing by sup-porting us, our program can continue to be the best Osher in the United States.
A new slate of council members will start their terms in July, and I know they will welcome your support. And the newly formed Advisory Commit-tee will allow us to continue the wonderful participation of special Council Members. Thank you to all volunteers who make so many of our pro-grams, like Theatre World, Poetry Cafe, Happy Hour, Live Music, field trips, luncheons, and Curriculum Committee, work so well. You are the heart of Osher!