Message from the Osher President
Midterm Elections, November 2018—My Opinion
Knowledgeable academics, political professionals and historians are in general agreement that November’s midterm elections have the potential to be the most important in the history of the United States. Elections large and small will take place throughout our country. The most dramatic, and arguably the most important will be the contests to decide which political party will control the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. The past two years have been painful for all of us. Fear and hatred have dominated us, further enflamed by irresponsible media and political parties that act as though no other topics are worth attention. Enough is enough! It’s time America pays attention, and starts a process in November to restore honor, dignity, honesty and hard work to government at all levels.
How can we accomplish this awesome task? First, by examining our-selves. You and I are the building blocks for the society we live in. Many of us have become lazy. We watch government, complain about what they do and don’t accomplish, and wonder why it doesn’t work better. We need to learn who the people who represent us, or want to represent us, really are. Before voting, even for incumbents in our own party, we need to evaluate who they really are, and what they represent. Make sure they clearly represent your values, and will help make society better. Ask yourself: Will this person work hard and encourage bi-partisan solutions to our real problems? Are they real or potential leaders, who will fight for what we believe in, or will they just occupy space? If not, they do not deserve your precious vote.
On November 6, it would be easy for any of us to vote based on anger, fear, hatred or blind party loyalty. I suggest that that would be a mistake. When we as consumers decide to make a major purchase, we research, compare and evaluate whether it fits our needs before we buy. When we cast a vote for a person who through action or inaction may shape our grandkids’ future, shouldn’t we make the same careful choice? Be proud of your vote, and use it wisely!