iOS Programming I
iOS Programming I
Quickly Gain Experience with Multi Scene Apps for iOS devices.
This course focuses on navigational controllers of iOS. You'll quickly gain hands-on experience moving between scenes in your Storyboard. You'll learn important iOS skills such as touches and gestures, views and view controllers. You’ll also learn how to use Segues to create Popovers, Alerts and Action Sheets.
Course Highlights:
- Optionals
- Type Casting and Inspection
- Guard
- Constant and Variable Scope
- Enumerations
- Segues and Navigational Controllers
- Tab Bar Controllers
- View Controller Life Cycle
- Building Simple Workflows
Course Benefits:
- Learn to build navigational controllers
- Become familiar with the Xcode IDE to develop multi scene Storyboards
- Ability to apply learned skills to implement applications for the Apple environment
Software: XCode, Available for free download from the MAC app store
Hardware: Students must have a laptop running Apple Mac OS X, with the latest version of Xcode installed
Course Typically Offered: Online, Winter and Summer quarters
Prerequisites: Have taken Introduction to Swift Programming (CSE-41201) or similar experience
Next steps: Upon completion of this course, consider taking iOS Programming II (CSE-411478)
More information: Contact infotech@ucsd.edu to learn more about iOS Programming Certificate and course offerings