Intermediate Watercolor
10 Weeks | In-Class, Live Online
Do you have paints, brushes and paper, but don't know what to do next? In this class, those with some prior experience with watercolor will learn new techniques, improve and refresh existing skills and develop a personal direction in their work. Demonstrations and practical exercises focus on paint properties, shadows, composition, color and texture. Quick sketches and sustained paintings will be accomplished during this class. A variety of subject matter and styles will be explored. Class includes one outdoor field trip in San Diego area.
What You Will Learn:
How to further develop your skills in the usage of watercolor paint.
Best practices to develop a theme and direction to their own work.
Materials of art including watercolor papers and other substrates.
How to develop an awareness of the natural world and its application to art, as well as an awareness of contemporary and art historical movements in watercolor.
How to plan painting direction and technique.
Quarters Offered: Winter, Summer | In-Class, Live Online
Course Fee: $325
Course Length: 10 weeks
Prerequisite: Watercolor I: Basic Techniques and Materials (ART-40625) or equivalent experience.
Note: Recommend textbook - Gerald Brommer's Understanding Transparent Watercolor (Davis Pub., 1993). Elective for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate.
Materials: Whatever watercolor materials you already have.
Recommended materials:
1" Wash brush: Princeton Heritage or Robert Simmons Sapphire (or similar)
2" Hake brush
1/2" Stroke or flat brush (Princeton Heritage or similar)
Princeton Neptune #6 quill brush
Round brushes: #10, #8, #6, #3 or 4 (Princeton Heritage or Neptune)
Drawing board, without clips. Approx 15x20" or larger, thin plywood or masonite
Drafting tape or 1" wide masking tape
Sketchbook (9x12" approx)
Sharp #2 pencils
Kneaded or latex eraser
Water containers
Art masking fluid: Winsor & Newton yellow tinted. Don't get orange tinted kind.
Watercolor palette approx 11x15"
Watercolor paper at least 5 sheets 140lb., 22 x 30" Arches or Blick Premier Watercolor paper (cold pressed. If budget allows, also one sheet of rough). Cut one sheet into quarters for first class.
Paints: 15ml or larger tube watercolors, e.g. Cottman, Gumbacher, or CheapJoe's (alizarin crimson, cadmium red medium, cerulean blue, ultramarine blue, Prussian blue, indigo, lemon yellow or cadmium yellow pale, cadmium yellow medium, yellow ochre, burnt Sienna, burnt umber, small tube of black).
Xacto knife and blades
Metal ruler
Paper towels
Blow dryer