Creative Process III
9 Weeks | Hybrid
Anchor the creative thought process and art in your life and work place. Continue the paths of learning and exploration begun in Creative Process I and II. In this personalized class, examine the roles of imagination, perception, humor, art in society and its impact, the nature of change, and the challenge of making a difference through your artwork in the community. Instruction includes projects, art videos and discussions, instruction and field trips, to enrich your experience and appreciation of art in our environment.
Quarters Offered: Fall | Hybrid
Course Fee: $325
Course Length: 9 weeks
Prerequisite: Creative Process II (ART-40181). Creative Process I (ART-40191) students require permission of instructor to participate.
Note: Elective for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate.
Materials: Bring to first class: notebook, 18"x24" Strathmore drawing pad (80lb), newsprint pad, 2 graphite pencils (B and 3B or 4B), & plastic eraser. Complete materials list distributed at first class meeting.