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Assessment and Evaluation in Instructional Design


Assessment and Evaluation in Instructional Design
Prerequisite: IID or TLO | 10 Weeks

This course explores foundational theories of assessment and assessment strategies in an ever-evolving digitized world. You’ll learn to design assessments to measure learning outcomes for both formative and summative assessment techniques, and investigate using diagnostic, ipsative, nor-reference, and criterion-referenced assessments in an online setting.
Using a variety of tools, you will explore and implement diverse approaches to assessment in the online environment for instructional materials and courses. Course projects will help you learn to monitor student learning and provide opportunities for assessment and feedback while focusing on growth in student learning.

This course also introduces you to process improvement methodologies including Six Sigma (DMADV and DMAIC), The Continuous Improvement Model, the PDCA cycle, and more.

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions

Please contact the Arts, Humanities, Languages & Digital Arts department at 858-534-5508 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.