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Addiction Problems: Prevention, Public Health, and Public Policy


This course presents the individual as well as the societal consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs through an exploration of contemporary patterns of legal and illegal consumption and their health, social, family, economic, legal, and political consequences. Participants analyze the prevalence and complexity of such problems as impaired driving, traumatic injury, alcohol-related birth defects, domestic violence, homelessness, and workplace issues. Participants also have opportunities to debate the treatment and prevention implications suggested by readings and class discussions, and prepare themselves to explore strategies for mitigation.

Course Information

2.00 units
Notes: Requirement for Professional Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling. To receive credit toward CAADAC certification, students must enroll for a letter grade.

Course sessions

Please contact the Healthcare & Behavioral Sciences department at 858-534-9262 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.