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Writing Online Documentation
10 weeks | Online

As more print publications and manuals go online, it's vital to understand the similarities and differences between writing for print and writing for online delivery. Explore theories and practices for creating online documentation and learn how to structure and write material to be viewed online. This includes information and project design, differences between print and online delivery, and selecting the appropriate format and media. You will have ample opportunity to practice writing for online delivery and to work with some of the tools used for this purpose. We will write a variety of online documentation, which may include HTML, PDF, and online help.

Quarters Offered: Spring, Fall | Online
Prerequisite: None
Software: MS Word and Adobe Acrobat (Reader or Professional)
Note: Fulfills 3 units toward requirements for the Technical Communication Certificate. Non-certificate students may take this class.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email

Course Number: WCWP-40158
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Technical Communication

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