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Tools for Technical Communicators
10 weeks | Online

Technical communicators use a variety of tools to create and present information. We will review and discuss such tools as word processors, text editors, HTML editors, desktop publishing software, and graphics programs. You will develop an analytical approach for selecting the right tools for various types of projects and will apply what you learn to a writing project.

Quarters Offered: Spring, Fall | Online
Prerequisite: None
Software: MS Word and Adobe Acrobat (Reader or Professional)
Note: Fulfills 3 units toward electives for the Technical Communication Certificate. Non-certificate students may take this class.
Contact: For more information about this course, please email

Note: Prerequisite: A passing grade in Technical Communication I (WCWP-40151). Elective course for the certificate in Technical Communication.

Course Number: WCWP-40266
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Technical Communication

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