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Structured Play Therapy: Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy, Pre-Set Play, Introduction of Resolutions


A wide-range of structured play therapy techniques and their theoretical underpinnings are presented, including pre-set and prearranged play, therapist-staged dramas, facilitation of adaptive resolutions in child-generated play, contingency play, redirection, distancing, limit-setting, time-limited play therapy, and cognitive-behavioral play therapy techniques. They include the use of the Socratic method, modeling, correction of cognitive distorts, perspective-taking, and behavioral rehearsal.

Course Information

0.50 units
Notes: Applies toward the Certificate in Play Therapy. While the Department of Psychiatry is aware of the research on the efficacy of play therapy*, it cannot specifically endorse each play therapy intervention included in each class in the play therapy certificate program. *

Course sessions

Please contact the Healthcare & Behavioral Sciences department at 858-534-9262 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.