Brand Strategy and Positioning
Learn how to develop a well-structured branding plan that can help any business win the minds and hearts of their customers. Explore a hands-on approach to product development, competitive models, creative branding strategies, crafting storytelling messages and mood boards, and layer relevant marketing channels to communicate to an audience.
With an emphasis on storytelling structures and why and how brands succeed in creating emotional connections, this course includes a retail field trip, multi-media learning, and in-class presentations and exercises.
Learning Objectives:
• Learn how brands communicate to create emotional connections
• Write a Story-Arc that takes your Customer Hero through a Transformation
• Understand authentic brand cultures and why they make a difference
• Learn how to apply appropriate marketing channels to branding campaigns
• Create a professional branding plan
This class is for those who want to advance their learning or careers, so some level of Marketing education or related business experience is recommended.