Paying for college can be a significant financial challenge for many families. Understanding the true cost of college, the financial aid process, and options for funding a college education can help you make smart decisions prior to and during the college admissions process. You will learn how to combine your current family resources with choosing the right school in order to find the best financial fit for you or your student.
Learning Outcomes:
- Develop a college funding philosophy
- Understand how your family finances will be viewed by college financial aid offices using the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE
- Learn about merit aid and need-based aid (including scholarships, grants, and loans)
- Know how to compare financial aid packages offered by schools
Course Number: BUSA-80035
Credit: 0.00 unit(s)
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled. Please contact the Business, Professional & Legal Programs department at 858-534-8131 or for information about when this course will be offered again.