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Introduction to Illustration


10 Weeks | Live Online

Learn the fundamentals of illustration by exploring the link between language and image. Translate ideas, text, or narrative into pictures that communicates to others. Through demonstration, in-class exercises and homework projects, students will work on both concept and drawing skills. Basic techniques of using pen and ink, ink wash, and opaque paint (tempera or acrylic) will be covered.

Quarters Offered: Winter, Summer | Live Online
Course Fee: $325
Course Length: 10 weeks
Prerequisite: Drawing I: Focus on Perception (ART-40166) or equivalent experience.
Note: Elective course for Art and the Creative Process professional certificate and Children's Book Illustration professional certificate. 

Materials: Materials list is based on instructor:

Instructor Michelle McCunney: 11x14 sketchbook (Strathmore Sketch recommended), 6B pencil, sharpener, Staedler white eraser for first class meeting. Full materials will be available in the first week of class.
Instructor Kelsey Worth: pencil, eraser, watercolor palette, mixed sizes watercolor brushes (Princeton synthetic recommended), fine liner pen (Sakura Micron sizes .01, .02, .03), Sakura Pigma Brush Pen (3PC Black Set), painter’s tape, Bristol Paper Pad, 11 x 14 Strathmore Mixed Media Paper Pad or Hot Press Watercolor Paper, Winsor & Newton Watercolor Tube set, Prismacolor Colored Pencils 

Course Information

3.00 units

Course sessions

Please contact the Arts, Humanities, Languages & Digital Arts department at 858-534-5760 or for information about this course and upcoming sections.