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GIS II: Spatial Analysis

Delve deeper into the world of Geographic Information Systems as you embark on an exploration of Spatial Data Analysis.
In this course, students will expand their proficiency in GIS, honing their skills to dissect spatial data with precision and insight.
Through a series of comprehensive modules, participants will learn advanced techniques in spatial data analysis, including interpolation, contouring, data intersections, and overlay analysis. These tools will empower students to extract meaningful insights from complex geographical datasets, facilitating informed decision-making across a spectrum of applications.
Drawing from real-world examples, this course will showcase the diverse utility of GIS spatial analysis across domains such as urban planning, health, and environmental studies. By examining case studies and engaging in hands-on exercises, students will grasp the practical relevance and transformative potential of spatial analysis methodologies in addressing contemporary challenges.
Central to the course is the utilization of industry-standard GIS software, specifically ArcGIS by ESRI. Through practical application and guided instruction, students will gain proficiency in leveraging ArcGIS to perform sophisticated spatial analyses, equipping them with a valuable skill set for academic pursuits and professional endeavors alike.
Join us on a journey through the dynamic realm of GIS Spatial Analysis, where data becomes a gateway to understanding and innovation. Uncover the intricate patterns of our world and harness the power of spatial insights to drive impactful change.

Course Highlights:

  • Spatial data and analysis   
  • Data types and attributes
  • Classifying spatial data within a GIS
  • Interpolation methods
  • Mapping density
  • Overlay analysis for site selection
  • Analyzing differences in datasets
  • Buffers and distance analysis  
Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course students will
  • Extend knowledge and proficiency in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) through advanced spatial data analysis techniques
  • Analyze spatial data effectively utilizing interpolation, contouring, data intersections, and overlay analysis methodologies
  • Apply GIS spatial analysis tools and methodologies to diverse fields including defense, urban planning, health, and environmental studies
  • Demonstrate proficiency in utilizing ArcGIS by ESRI to perform sophisticated spatial analyses and solve real-world problems
  • Develop critical thinking skills to interpret and derive actionable insights from complex geographical datasets
  • Utilize spatial analysis techniques to inform decision-making processes across various domains, contributing to informed and impactful solutions
  • Communicate findings and insights effectively through visual representations and written reports, demonstrating proficiency in conveying spatial analysis results to diverse audiences

Course typically offered: Online in Winter and Summer

Enrollment will be closed three weekdays before the course start date. 

Software: Students will use ArcGIS Pro developed by ESRI. The software license is included in the course price and will be distributed within the first week of the course. 

Prerequisites: Completion of GIS I: Introduction to GIS or comparable GIS background is required.

Next steps: Upon completions of GIS I: Introduction to GIS and GIS II: Spatial Analysis consider taking GIS III: Web GIS to continue learning.

Contact: For more information about this course, please contact

Course Number: ECE-40246
Credit: 3.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: Geographic Information Systems

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