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Home /  Courses And Programs / Departmentalized English Language Development for K-12

This course focuses on research-based conceptual understanding of Departmentalized instruction in English language development including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Principles and design of standards-based assessment and instruction for English language learners and the relationship to identification of students’ strengths and needs in English language/literacy development and academic achievement. Knowledge, skills, and ability to deliver comprehensible instruction to English Learners in the context of three instructional models: English Language Development (ELD), Content-based ELD and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) are presented.

Note: This course is designed for teachers holding preliminary credentials with the English Learner Authorization of ELAM, ELAS, or ELAE. Upon admission to the program and successful completion of this course, teachers will be authorized to provide ELD instruction in departmentalized settings and to be recommended for the CLAD added authorization.

You must register for this course with the Letter Grade Option. If you do not then you will need to retake the course at your own expense with the Letter Grade in order to be eligible for an English Learner Authorization (ELA1).

Only participants who have finalized their admission to the program and have completed the entire CLAD Through CTEL program or the CLAD Through ELD option are eligible for formal recommendation.


You can enroll in the required course below.

Course Number: EDUC-40222
Credit: 6.00 unit(s)

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