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California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)


This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview to one of the most important environmental laws in California. Participants will learn about the purpose and intent of CEQA, the CEQA review process, and the types of projects that are subject to CEQA review.  Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and case studies, students will gain a deeper understanding of the CEQA process.


Topics Include:
  • The history and evolution of CEQA, including its legal foundations and legislative history
  •  The types of projects subject to CEQA review, including public and private projects, and the different levels of review required for different types of projects.
  • Strategies for successfully navigating the CEQA review process, including the preparation of environmental impact reports and the development of effective mitigation measures.


AICP Credit

AICP members can earn Certification Maintenance (CM) credits for this activity. For a list of additional AICP CM Events at UC San Diego Extension go to American Planning Association.
CM | 17 |
CM | 1 | Law

Other Credits: UCSD certifies this activity is approved by the State Bar of California for 12 hours of MCLE credit.

Course Number: BUSA-40739
Credit: 2.00 unit(s)
Related Certificate Programs: CEQA PracticeSustainable Business Practices

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