Center for Research + Evaluation
The Center for Research and Evaluation (CR+E) is UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies’s research division. The Center’s mission is to promote positive change in the local community and beyond through data-driven research. CR+E partners with nonprofits, community, and academic institutions to support projects centered around workforce development, education, youth services, health, and arts and culture. Our expert team employs a wide range of research methodologies and statistical techniques to assist with every stage of research design from identifying funding opportunities and grant writing to program monitoring and evaluation reporting.

Grant Development

Applied Research & Evaluation

Collective Impact

Institutional Research
Reports & Publications

A Parents Guide to Public Schools

RIPA Law Enforcement Traffic Stop Data Analysis

Women in STEM Workforce Index 2020
CR+E in the News
The Center for Research and Evaluation staff have expertise in conducting primary and secondary research and evaluation projects ac ross workforce development, education, youth services, health, and arts and culture. The following is a selection of CR+E research reports:
- Kovacs, G.C., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Hu, S., & Shapiro, J.D., Women in STEM Workforce Index 2020, report for Athena (2020).
- Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Carton, G., Emerging Careers for College Graduates (2017).
- Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Carton, G., Priming the Talent Pipeline (2017).
- Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Carton, G., Labor Market Analysis: Public Sector for the San Diego Workforce Partnership (2017).
- Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Carton, G., Emerging Careers for College Graduates (2016).
- Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Carton, G., San Diego County Labor Market Analysis: Specialty Foods and Brews, interviews for the San Diego Workforce Partnership (2016).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos G., San Diego County Labor Market Analysis: Aerospace Industry, report for the San Diego Workforce Partnership (2015).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos G., Carton G., Downtown San Diego: The Innovation Economy's Next Frontier, report for the Downtown San Diego Partnership (2015).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos G., Priority Sectors: Workforce Initiatives in San Diego County, report for the San Diego Workforce Partnership (2015).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Selfridge-Bustos G., Diamond Neighborhoods Collective Impact, dashboard for the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (2015).
- Shapiro, J.D., Baru, S., Selfridge-Bustos, G., Hot Careers for College Graduates (2015).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Baru, S., San Diego County Labor Market: Advanced Manufacturing, report for the San Diego Workforce Partnership (2014).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., " Beyond Tech Transfer: A More Comprehensive Approach to Measuring the Entrepreneurial University" Journal of Management Studies (2014).
- Walshok, M.L. and West, Joel. " Serendipity and Symbiosis: UCSD and the Local Wireless Industry." In Public Universities and Regional Growth: Insights from the University of California. Kenney, Martin, and David Mowery. Forthcoming Stanford Press, (2014).
- DeVries, H., Baru, S., Shapiro, J.D., Hot Careers for College Graduates and Returning Students (2014).
- Walshok, M. L., Shragge, A., Invention and Reinvention: The Evolution of San Diego's Innovation Economy, Stanford University Press (2013).
- DeVries, H., Baru, S., Shapiro, J.D., DeVries, H., Baru, S., Shapiro, J.D., Hot Careers for College Graduates and Returning Students (2013).
- Walshok, M.L., Shapiro, J.D., Owens, N., " Unraveling the Cultural and Social Dynamics of Regional Innovation Systems", Report to the National Science Foundation (2013).
- Audretsch, D. B., & Walshok, M. L. Creating competitiveness: Entrepreneurship and innovation policies for growth. Elgar Publishing (2013).
- Walshok, M.L., The Strategic Management of Place, Evolution of San Diego Innovation Economy. Ed. David Audretsch. Elgar Publishing (January 2013).
- Walshok, Mary. " A Systemic Approach to Accelerating Entrepreneurship." innovations 8.3-4 (2013): 7-17.
- Walshok, Mary L., Josh D. Shapiro, and Nathan Owens. "Transitional Innovation Networks Aren't all Created Equal: Towards a Classification System". The Journal of Technology Transfer (1, 2012).
- Walshok, M.L., Owens, N., OrthoWorx Evaluation: Second Report January 2011-July 2012, report for BioCrossroads Indiana (2012).
- DeVries, H., Baru, S., Shapiro, J.D., Hot Careers for College Graduates and Returning Students (2012).
- Walshok, M. L., Munroe, T., DeVries, H., Closing America's Job Gap, New Win Publishing (2011).
- DeVries, H., Hot Careers for College Graduates (2011).
- DeVries, H., Hot Careers for College Graduates (2010).
- Walshok, M. L., Connecting Science and Business, Developing University-Industry Relations - Pathways to Innovation from the West Coast, Ed. Miller, R. C., LeBoef, B.J. Jossey-Bass Publishers (2009).
- Walshok, M.L., Owens, N., Horowitt G., Usry, S., Biotechnology Cluster Project: San Diego Analysis, report for the United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney (2010).
- Walshok, M.L., Horowitt, G., NISP CONNECT, assessment report for MATRIX, Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel (2009).
- Walshok, M.L., Evaluation of Generation I of the Workforce Investment Regional Economic Development (WIRED) Initiative, report prepared for the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research, Washington, DC (2009).
- Walshok, M. L., Lee, C.W.B., Road Map for Collaboration: Describing St. Louis, MO's Federally Funded Research and Innovation Assets through RaDiUS, report for Washington University's Skandalaris Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (2006).
- Morris, K., Owens, N., Walshok, M.L., Borderless Innovation: Catalyzing the Competitiveness of the San Diego - Baja California Region, report by San Diego Dialogue (2005).
- Walshok, M. L., Lee, C.W.B., Eizenberg, M., Lowenstein, A., Guttman, R., Building the Foundation for U.S. - Israel Initiatives in Biotechnology: Connecting Israel's Institute of Technology (Technion) and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), report for the U.S. - Israel Science & Technology Foundation (USISTF) (2005).
CR+E partners with nonprofits, community, and academic institutions to support projects centered around workforce development, education, youth services, health, and arts and culture. Our expert team employs a wide range of research methodologies and statistical techniques to assist with every stage of the research process from identifying funding opportunities and grant writing to program monitoring and evaluation reporting. The following is a list of services we provide:
Grant Writing Support & Proposal Development
- Identifying funding opportunities
- Literature review
- Grant writing
- Methodology support
Research Design
- Identifying research questions
- identifying appropriate research design
- Identifying outcome measures
Data Collection, Management & Analysis
- Data collection
- Data cleaning and organization
- Analysis
PDF download of services offered for Nonprofit and Community Organizations here.
Grant Writing Support & Proposal Development
- Identifying funding opportunities
- Literatire reviews
- Grant writing
- Methodology support
Grant Evaluation
- Evaluation design and methodology
- Program monitoring and grant progress reports
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Evaluation reporting
PDF download of services offered for Academic Institutions here.
CR+E is an advocate for data-driven decision making. In addition to helping organizations make decisions informed by quantitative and qualitative data, the research center is also committed to training others in data collection, analysis, and interpretation of findings.
The following are some programs the organization spearheads:
Fellows Program
CR+E offers a unique opportunity for UC San Diego undergraduate and graduate students to become research fellows in the department. Students work closely with the CR+E research team on a diverse ranch of research projects, receiving mentoring in research methodology, data collection, analysis, and report writing. Students are welcome to apply for the program by emailing a statement of interest to Dr. Georgia Kovacs at gkovacs@ucsd.edu.
Josh Shapiro, Ph.D.
Chief Strategy and Impact Officer
Josh Shapiro is the Chief Strategy and Impact Officer in the UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies and oversees the Center for Research and Evaluation. He has expertise in workforce development and has worked on evaluation projects covering a wide range of topics including STEM education, health care, and the role of philanthropy in economic development. Dr. Shapiro was one of the core evaluators on the effectiveness of the Department of Labor’s $500 million WIRED initiative. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, San Diego, and worked as a public-school teacher prior to pursuing his doctoral degree.
Georgia Kovacs, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Georgia Kovacs is the Executive Director of the Center for Research and Evaluation in the Division of Extended Studies. She holds a doctoral degree in Educational Psychology & Methodology from the University at Albany (SUNY) and has expertise in education, quantitative methods, applied research, and evaluation. Georgia has served as Co-PI and lead evaluator for grants funded by NSF, NIH, UnitedHealthcare, and private foundations. She has led applied research projects related to gender equity at work, juvenile justice reform, college stop outs, derogatory consumer debt, smoking cessation, and closing equity gaps.
Kelly Nielsen, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
Kelly Nielsen is the Assistant Director of the Center for Research and Evaluation and oversees the center’s external research projects. He holds a doctoral degree in sociology from the University of California, San Diego. He is the co-author of Broke: The Racial Consequences of Underfunding Public Universities (University of Chicago Press) along with peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters focused on the sociology of higher education, U.S.-Mexico migration, and sociological theory. Prior to coming to the Center for Research and Evaluation, Kelly held postdoctoral positions at the University of California, Merced and Cornell University.
Nan Chen, Ph.D., PMP
Project Coordinator
Nan Chen is the Collective Impact initiative project coordinator for the Center for Research and Evaluation. Prior to joining CR+E, she worked as a research specialist on numerous collaborative projects in neuroscience with an emphasis on project management. She holds a doctoral degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the University of Southern California.
Sarah Nolan, Ph.D.
Senior Research Analyst
Sarah Nolan is a Senior Research Analyst for the Collective Impact initiative, providing research expertise and other support for groups across campus working to address equity gaps at UC San Diego for students, academics, and staff. Sarah received her PhD in Public Policy from Duke University in 2022. Her work has focused on the experiences of young people from different socio-economic origins navigating school and work pathways in India, Indonesia, and the United States. Sarah has experience working alongside several community-based organizations to help build research agendas and connect with academic research.
Nathan Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Senior Research Analyst
Nathan Gonzalez is a Senior Research Analyst in the Center for Research and Evaluation at UC San Diego. He is a sociologist and expert on ethnic, racial, and religious inequalities and violence. Dr. Gonzalez brings topical expertise in political sociology and stratification, as well as technical expertise in interview methods, ethnographic methods, and mixed-methods research. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of Chicago in 2020.
Lauren Nippoldt, Ph.D.
Senior Research Analyst
Lauren Nippoldt is a Senior Research Analyst in the Center for Research and Evaluation at UC San Diego. She holds a doctoral degree in Medical & Psychological Anthropology from the University of California San Diego. Her research focuses on religion, humanitarianism, ethics, medical care, wellbeing, and community building. Over the years, Lauren has worked with community-based organizations in the United States and India supporting access to medical care, equity in educational outcomes, and interventions regarding housing and food insecurity.
Karina Shklyan, Doctoral Candidate
Graduate Student Researcher
Karina Shklyan is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at UC San Diego where she investigates how different contexts shape immigrant acculturation in new host countries. She has written on the role of localities, nonprofit institutions, the military, political climates, and coethnic communities. Her current work examines how institutions of higher education assist immigrant students from different legal backgrounds. Her work has been published in journals such as Nations and Nationalism, Socius, and Publius: The Journal of Federalism. Previously, Karina worked as a Research Associate at the Pew Charitable Trusts, where she focused on the effects of immigration federalism on immigrant experiences in the United States. She holds an M.A. in International Migration from the University of Kent in Belgium.
Eugene Yoo, J.D.
Proposal Development and Grant Writer
Eugene Yoo is a Proposal Development and Grant Writer at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. He previously worked as a grant writer at Father Joe’s Villages, helping obtain funding for affordable housing and homelessness programs. Prior to working in grants, Eugene practiced law in the areas of special education and criminal defense. He received his B.A. in Business Management Economics from UC Santa Cruz and J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law.
Steven Swee, B.S.
Institutional Research Analyst
Steven Swee serves as an Institutional Research Analyst at UC San Diego Division of Extended Studies. Steven oversees course evaluations, market research, and certificate reports. He has interests in leveraging data to improve educational programs and further computational research. Steven holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California San Diego where he worked on research and entrepreneurship projects in chemistry, neuroscience, biomedical informatics, medicine, and national security.
Raphael E. Cuomo, Ph.D., MPH, CPH, FRSPH
Assistant Professor and Research Scientist
Raphael Cuomo is a professor and scientist who has made various noteworthy contributions in the fields of epidemiology, economics, and policy. He is known for his biostatistical and geospatial approaches to challenging public health and public policy issues. He has published numerous academic papers in leading biomedical journals, and he is the recipient of several awards for his scientific contributions.
Dr. Cuomo completed his undergraduate education with Lafayette College and continued his graduate education with Harvard University, San Diego State University, and UC San Diego. He completed additional training with the World Health Organization and Yale University.
Dr. Cuomo is board-certified in public health by the US-based National Board of Public Health Examiners, a Fellow of the UK-based Royal Society for Public Health, and a member of the Delta Omega honorary society. He has also been an active member of several professional public health organizations, including the American Public Health Association, the American College of Healthcare Executives, and AcademyHealth. He currently teaches classes to graduate students at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.