Kristin Ziska Strange

A Leader in Instructional Design and Educational Innovation
Krys Ziska Strange serves as the Associate Director of Faculty Development & Instructional Design, helping to expand the reach and impact of online programs and educational technology at Tufts University. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction, exploring the intersections between faculty professional development and faculty identity. She also holds a Masters degree in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University and a Bachelors in Creative Writing (Poetry) from Methodist University.
Before joining Tufts, Krys worked at Digital Learning as the Assistant Director of Technology & Innovation at University of Arizona, as an Instructional Designer and Instructional Technologist for Northern Arizona University's e-Learning Center and spent ten years as a K-12 English teacher (Creative Writing, Speech, American Lit, and Multicultural Lit). After spending a decade in K-12, Krys wasn't quite done with teaching yet. She has spent most of the past decade teaching online and in person in courses for Northern Arizona University, Tufts ExCollege, and University of Arizona. Currently, Krys teaches for the University of Arizona's School of Information in their Games and Behaviors degree, teaching courses on instructional technology, gamification, and game design.
Krys serves as a Lead Instructor and Developer for the UCSD Instructional Design Professional Certificate Program.
Outside of work, Krys spends her time running tabletop RPGs, watching sci-fi, running a moderately successful farm on Stardew, and reading all the books she can get her hands on.