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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

The Road to Interventional Radiology in East Africa

Speaker Helena Rockwell, M.D.
Coordinator Steven Rose
Interventional Radiology (IR) healthcare providers
offer a wide range of minimally invasive imageguided
procedures (MIIPs) to treat diverse medical
conditions, all without a scalpel. This cutting-edge
medicine is changing patients’ lives and broadening
the scope of healthcare in incredible ways, but
global access is limited. This talk will explore how
the non-profit organization Road2IR surmounted
trials (including the unprecedented COVID-19
global pandemic) and triumphed through the
work of dedicated volunteers and institutional and
organizational collaboration in bringing MIIPs to East
Africa and beyond.

Speaker Bio

Helena Rockwell obtained her M.D.
degree from UC San Diego in 2023. She is
currently completing her internship at Scripps
Mercy Hospital, after which she will return to UC
San Diego for Integrated Interventional Radiology
residency training. She’s also a Junior Board
Member at the Interventional Initiative, a notfor-
profit organization dedicated to expanding
awareness of, access to and advocacy for
minimally invasive image-guided procedures.
Meeting 1
B/355 and C/360 (In Person and Online) Download to Calendar