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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Pablo Picasso, the Women Who Influenced His Art, and 20th Century Europe

Speaker Guri Stark, M.B.A.
Coordinator Steve Clarey
This lecture will discuss Picasso’s life, why he is
considered the most important artist of the 20th
century, his many different styles, and the influence
his many women had on his art. We will discuss
and compare the most important art styles of the
19th and 20th century, including impressionism,
post-impressionism, cubism, expressionism, neo-
expressionism and abstract art. We will review key
historical events that influenced Europe in the 20th
century and their impact on Picasso’s art, including
World War I, the Spanish Civil War, the Russian
Revolution, Armenian genocide, World War II
and more.

Speaker Bio

Presenter: Guri Stark was born in Israel and
moved to the United States 35 years ago. He
earned a degree in engineering from the Israel
Institute of Technology (Technion) in Haifa and had
a career as an executive in the high technology
industry. A frequent and popular Osher lecturer,
Guri describes himself as an artist and musician
(jazz harmonica) trapped in an engineer’s body. He
has been painting in watercolors for over 35 years
and has participated in shows and exhibitions
in San Francisco, Denver, Los Angeles and San
Diego. More information about Guri and his
artwork and music can be found on his website:
Meeting 1
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