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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Grief Happens: Let’s Talk About it Already

Speaker Professor Lisa Keefauver
Coordinator Steve Clarey
In this one-hour lecture, grief activist Lisa Keefauver
guides participants to reimagine grief. How are we
so illiterate and ill-informed about something 100%
of us experience multiple times in our lives? Lisa
combines metaphor, science and humor to help us
all feel more equipped to name, move forward with
and support others when grief arrives at our door.
Participants will be able to recognize the cultural
roots of our grief miseducation, have a more accurate
and expanded understanding of the who, what,
where, when and why of grief and more accurately
recognize and feel prepared to address their own
grief and attend to others in theirs.

Speaker Bio

Presenter: Lisa Keefauver, M.S.W. is a grief
activist who transformed her personal and
professional experiences with loss into a mission
to reimagine grief. As host of a top-rated grief
podcast, TEDx and keynote speaker, adjunct
professor and author of Grief is a Sneaky Bitch:
An Uncensored Guide to Navigating Loss, she is
expanding our collective story of grief.
Meeting 1
Room 350 (in person and online) Download to Calendar