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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Election 2024: California State and Local Ballot Measure

Speaker Sheila Tolle, Mary Thompson
Coordinator Steve Clarey

The San Diego League of Women Voters will present nonpartisan election information to support voter education on statewide and local ballot measures before the November election. These two sessions will outline the measures before the voters with facts, arguments for and against the measures and a snapshot of the money behind the measures’ proponents and opponents.

October 9: California State Ballot Measures presented by Sheila Tolle

October 23: Local Ballot Measures presented by Mary Thompson

Speaker Bio

Presenters: Sheila Tolle retired in 2019 to San Diego from the San Francisco Bay area after a 35-year career of leading marketing for global software and hardware companies. Sheila’s volunteer activities include the LWV’s Voter Empowerment committee, US Sailing (independent director), US Rowing (treasurer), San Diego Food Bank and US Rowing referee. She earned her B.S. in Engineering from UCLA and her M.B.A. from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

Mary Thompson researches and writes for the California League’s Pros & Cons voter education material. She retired from ViaSat, Inc. in 2005 and now promotes deliberative democracy with the League of Women Voters. A regular contributor to Osher programs, she also facilitates the Modern and Contemporary Literature seminar.

Meeting 1
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Meeting 2
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