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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Drive Safer, Drive Longer: Tips for Maintaining Safety on the Road Through the Years

Speaker Professor Linda Hill
Coordinator Steve Clarey
This talk will cover the challenges faced by older
drivers and the tangible steps that can be taken to
extend one’s driving career. Topics to be covered
include impairing medications, the effects of
alcohol and cannabis and medical conditions that
can adversely affect driving performance. The
presentation will also address rules of the road,
distracted driving, road rage, strategies for avoiding
stressful driving conditions, technologies known
to improve driving outcomes and methods for
improving driving skill.

Speaker Bio

Linda Hill, M.D., M.P.H., is
Distinguished Professor and Assistant Dean in
the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health
at UC San Diego. She is the Executive Director
of the Asylum Seeker Medical Screening and
Stabilization Program and the Director of the UC
San Diego Center for Human and Urban Mobility
and the Training Research and Education for
Driving Safety centers. Her research focuses on
displaced populations and transportation safety.
Meeting 1
B/355 and C/360 (In Person and Online) Download to Calendar