19 September 2014
Extension's annual Career Showcase: And a hovering quadcopter shall lead them
GREETINGS: UC San Diego Extension's Natalie Johnson welcomes attendees at the Continuing Education & Career Showcase. Photos courtesy of Erik Jepsen, UC San Diego Publications staff photographer
UC San Diego Extension presented its annual “Continuing Education & Career Showcase” on Thursday night, Sept. 18, attracting nearly 400 attendees, most of whom seek to enhance their current careers or chart a new career path.
A total of 14 career workshops were presented by Extension instructors, including those on Career Opportunities in Sustainability; Career Advancement; Careers in Marketing; and Healthcare Master’s Degree Programs.
A session on Innovative Technologies in Engineering featured a live demonstration of a quadcopter drone in flight. Sized at about 24 inches wide and 12 inches high, the device features four small, spinning propellers that kept it aloft. Its hovering movements were dictated by a technician holding a remote control monitor, much like a model aircraft.
The device came equipped with a mounted GoPro camera, developed by acclaimed inventor Nick Woodman, a UC San Diego graduate whose world-wide company is now valued at nearly $3 billion.
Extension’s “Continuing Education & Career Showcase” was held at Extension’s UCC campus.
WHIRLING DERVISH: The quadcopter drone proved a popular sight, both in flight and at rest.