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21 May 2018

The Master's Program As Diverse As Its Students

UC San Diego’s Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences just announced a first-of-its-kind Master of Science degree in both Drug Development and Product Management, combined. Course curriculum is designed for a diverse group of students from scientific, medical, pharma, business management, and legal backgrounds, in order to fill unmet needs in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and managed care industries, and to excel in careers that didn't exist just five or ten years ago.

Distinctive features of the 60-unit program include:

  • Instruction by a combination of faculty with scholarly understanding and industry experience

  • A case- and project-oriented approach to learning

  • Options in professional focus and networking with student colleagues with varied professional backgrounds.

  • An internship in a biotech, pharmaceutical or managed care company

The UC San Diego Masters program, administered by UC San Diego Extension, is now accepting applications for 30 spots. The deadline to start the application process is May 31, 2018. The first class will enter the program in Fall, 2018. Find out more at

"The workforce needs of the pharmaceutical and biotech industry across California are significant and require that we train the best and brightest. Based on a comprehensive workforce survey Biocom published in 2016, and thoughtful feedback from our member companies, we believe UC San Diego's Master of Science in Drug Development and Product Management will fill a critical state-wide need."

Joseph Panetta, MPH    
President & CEO    