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25 February 2015

Now on UCSD-TV: Nixon in China, San Diego OperaTalk


In this special edition of OperaTalk on UCSD-TV, host Nicolas Reveles is your guide for John Adams’ Nixon in China, an exhilarating recounting of the President’s historic mission of rapprochement with Chairman Mao.

Straight from the headlines and live news broadcasts of the day, "Nixon in China" pays musical witness to President Richard Nixon’s historic trip to Beijing in 1972 and goodwill meetings with China’s Chairman Mao Tse-Tung and Premier Chou En-Lai. From serious political discussions to a toast-filled banquet scene where every toast tries to outdo another, "Nixon in China" explores a heroic gesture by a sitting American President towards a burgeoning world power.

“Only Nixon could go to China,” and only Reveles could provide these entertaining insights into one of the most acclaimed operas of the 20th century.

Tune in to "Nixon in China" online at

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