Purchasing and the Procurement Process
The journey of a single item from manufacturing, shipping, distribution and sales to payment is fraught with potential legal and operational pitfalls. Yet the world of commerce continues to spin non-stop every day. You will learn the legislation that keeps the process moving, along with common practices and strategies to best operate in this challenging but exciting environment. Participants will gain an understanding of best practices in negotiation and contracting. Equip yourself to effectively manage the inevitable challenges in today’s international supply chain.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify basic purchasing principles, strategies and technologies
- Understand different organization structures and the strategies behind them
- Describe the complexities of purchasing internationally
- Explain basic concepts of sustainability & social responsibility and be able to integrate those into the procurement process
- Forecast and buy to inventory plan
- Design and execute a basic bid exercise
- Support accounts payable with solid business practices and well documented procedures
- Design and execute a supplier management strategy including service level expectations, key performance metrics and resolution
Learning Formats
Fully online Instructor-led training with no set meeting times. Lectures are pre-recorded and your instructor will set weekly deliverables to help you engage with the content. Click on the “Online” section below to view course details.
Live Online:
Fully online instructor-led training using live virtual classes meetings via Zoom. Click on the “Live Online” section below to view details of the online meeting times and instructor information.