Preparing Students with Special Needs to Meet the Standards (K-3)
Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states must have “challenging” academic standards which are designed to prepare students to succeed in college, career, and life. In addition, this new federal law requires these same standards to apply to all students, including those with learning and attention issues. As most teachers know, learning can be difficult for those with special needs. So how exactly can a teacher make this “bridge,” thereby connecting their most vulnerable learners to the more challenging and complex concepts required by ESSA? This online course is designed for K-3 teachers who are attempting to do just this. Teachers will learn specific strategies for helping their special education students make meaning from their state’s standards by building strong foundational reading skills, using assessment to guide instruction, and differentiating their instruction. In addition, teachers will be given a variety of tools and strategies to help guide their struggling writers as they work to balance meaningful writing with explicit strategy instruction. Other topics include differentiating the mathematics block, providing tactile, kinesthetic, and auditory learning opportunities, student collaboration, cooperative group activities, and Universal Design for Learning. Rounding out the course is engaging special needs students in the art of conversation and using interventions and other teaching techniques to engage special needs students, including those who also happen to be English language learners.