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Middle School: Living Structures - Walking Beasts


It walks as if possessed by a mind of its own – no motor, no gas, no batteries, just a series of lurching dance steps along the boundaries of reality and imagination. It’s called a walking beast, and in this class, students will learn how to design and build this fascinating contraption and then set it in motion. We will spend the early part of the week exploring the mechanics of these machines and building the basic parts. Then we begin the assembly. Finally, we will decorate the beast and set it loose with the help of a leaf blower. Concepts we will cover include engineering, wind power, gravity, frictional rotation and structural integrity. Together we will explore how artistic creativity can drive scientific design and vice versa.


What you'll learn

  • Learn how to design and build a wind-powered walking contraption.
  • Gain an understanding of how a walking beast works.
  • Receive safety training. Learn about rotational mechanics, gear ratios and how to assemble the beast’s frame.
  • Learn about conservation of energy and how to develop a power source.
  • Get a chance to incorporate artistic flair into the engineering design process.
  • Assemble a walking beast and then test it.

Course Information

1.50 units

Course sessions

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Class type:

This is a traditional classroom setting.

All class meetings held in-person according to published location, dates and times. Students may be expected to engage with course content online during the published course dates.


All course materials are included unless otherwise stated.


  • No refunds after: 5/31/2025
  • 1st meeting mandatory
  • Early enrollment advised
  • No UCSD parking permit required
  • No visitors permitted


Date Day Start End Location
7/14/2025 Mon 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. UCSD Division of Extended Studies University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego
7/15/2025 Tue 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. UCSD Division of Extended Studies University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego
7/16/2025 Wed 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. UCSD Division of Extended Studies University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego
7/17/2025 Thu 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. UCSD Division of Extended Studies University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego
7/18/2025 Fri 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. UCSD Division of Extended Studies University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Drive, San Diego
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Instructor: Sasha Carter

Sasha Carter

BS in Earth Science, PhD in Geological Science,

Dr. Sasha Peter Carter (he/his/him) joined Sally Ride Science Junior Academy in 2016 to create the kinds of science classes he always wished existed – classes that emphasize direct, hands-on interactions with physical science phenomena; classes that get students doing science in the first 15 minutes; classes that foster a collaborative learning community; classes that put students in the driver's seat and give them ownership over their discoveries. His Junior Academy instruction began with Messy Science in 2016 and now includes five different workshops. Sasha brings to the classroom eight years of post-doctoral research in Antarctic water systems and more than five years of teaching students of all ages. When he's not working for Sally Ride Science, he’s teaching Earth science at local colleges and exploring the natural wonders around us.

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